mercredi 31 août 2016

Crash when overdubbing multiple pooled MIDI items

As title :(

Here is how to replicate the issue. I've included a sample Reaper project that can be used instead of Steps 1-6.
1. Create a new project & a new track.
2. Set input to any MIDI input (egs., Virtual MIDI keyboard).
3. Set recording mode to MIDI Overdub. Monitoring setting doesn't matter.
4. This will make Step 5 easier: Preferences -> Media -> MIDI -> Enable "Pool MIDI source data when pasting..."
5. Create an empty 4-bar MIDI item on the track and duplicate it 20+ times (CTRL+D). The copies will be linked since pooling is enabled.
5. Create a time selection encompassing all the above items & enable looping on the transport. This is just so we can run the test for a while if we need to.
6. Arm the track for recording.
7. Hit record on the transport.
8. Let it run for a few minutes = Reaper crash :(

How long one has to wait before the crash seems random. Sometimes 5 seconds, sometimes 2 minutes. I replicated this on two different Windows 10 x64 machines: one studio machine and another "bare bones" machine that has barely any software (other than OS & Reaper) or devices installed on it.

There is probably a simpler set of steps that can reliably trigger the crash but I haven't figured it out yet.

Anyone else experience something like this? Any tips or workarounds? I'd be really glad to know if someone else can replicate it.

Attached Files
File Type: rpp test.rpp (15.6 KB)

Crash when overdubbing multiple pooled MIDI items

Audient ID22, sample rate issue


Apologies if this has been discussed before, search turned nothing specific. Audient has no user forum at this time either.

I have replaced my aging RME Multiface with this Audient ID22. Everything seems pretty smooth except one niggle: Reaper cannot seem to control what sample rate the ID uses; it's actually the other way around, if I start a project at 88.2 ( manually setting the SR in the ID control ) then try to open an existing 44.1 project, the 88.2 rate will be inherited. The "allow projects to override device sample rate" is checked, but appears to nothing.

This is almost the direct reverse of the RME drivers which function as expected; ie controlled by Reaper and maintaining last set rate until further notice.

Certainly not a deal-breaker but annoying as I have some projects with multiple SR material and cannot remember what they were initially set up at.

Audient ID22, sample rate issue

Auto-Resize Track when selected in TCP

Is there any way "On-Select" to "Auto-Resize" currently selected & focused track to a user-defined height? ...a genuinely handy feature in Sonar X3 when working on big projects.

Why? Multi-track projects can narrow tracks to minimum (as default), then selected track would expand to show all controls, lanes & envelopes for easy & quick editing or inspection without any further user actions.

From Sonar Docs: Auto Track Zoom (toggle). This command enables/disables Auto Zoom, which allows you to automatically enlarge the track that has focus. All other tracks are minimized. When a new track is focused, it swaps heights with the previously focused track.

I don't find any type of "On-Select" or "On-Focus" definable actions for Reaper TCP.

Is anyone interested in scripting such behavior?

Auto-Resize Track when selected in TCP

Dylanesque country rock

I'm not a huge fan of your run-of-the-mill modern country music, but this recording is one piece of country flavored music that Iike a lot. It seemed to me that some of my reaper buddies might enjoy it too. It was recorded in my son's studio last year. I meant to post it then but I got so wrapped up in the daily scrum that I forgot to post it. Anyway, the tune is "Pilgrim Highway" by DC Papke (who is also the singer and rhythm guitarist).

The rest of the album has some good music on it, but this one song seems special to me.

Recorded and mixed using reaper.
Album credits from David Papke's website:
Produced and arranged by David Papke
Recorded and mixed by Shea Springer
Sweetfoot Studios, Easton, Maryland
Mastered by Mike Monseur
Bias Studios, Springfield, Virginia

Dylanesque country rock

MIDI drum writing help

I have mapped out the basics of "Motherless Children" from Eric Clapton's 461 Ocean Boulevard. I'm having trouble typing in the drum fills. If I were to post my current rpp along with a reference track, would one of you MIDI whizzes be willing to fill in the blanks as it were?

I'd be willing to contribute in turn in any area of my expertise. Let me know.

MIDI drum writing help

"hourglass" for a few seconds when Reaper gets focus

In Windows 7, it's actually a light blue spinning circle - the
thing that lets you know that the computer is busy right now.
As of late, maybe a few months, this spinning circle comes up
for about 5 seconds whenever Reaper regains focus. Every time.

I tried reinstalling. This happens no matter what project, or
no project is loaded. Anyone come across this?


"hourglass" for a few seconds when Reaper gets focus

Preview RPP parent folders (groups) as subprojects from Media Explorer

I would love it if we could preview top level/parent folder (group tracks) as subprojects in the Media Explorer.

Like a lot of people, I organize my projects into stem subgroups (drums, bass, music, vocal etc.) and this would be a great way to try out some radical song changes on the fly.

I'm sure many of us have a graveyard of unfinished songs on our hard drives, maybe one track has great drums, but the bass sucks etc. Being able to test and reuse these ideas in new contexts could save them from being wasted... :)

Preview RPP parent folders (groups) as subprojects from Media Explorer

any themes with horizontal meters?

I'm using Default 5 Nitpicky, which I quite like but would like it even more if there was an option for horizontal meters on the TCP. Are there any similar themes with horizontal meters on the TCP

(I know there is an option for a very large horizontal meter on the right hand side of the TCP but that is not what I am after)

any themes with horizontal meters?

overwriting old .rpp files

I recently updated to the latest version and opened a song I had been working on and can't figure out how to save the changes. It says it can't overwrite the .rpp and saves a temp file instead in the same directory but I can't seem to find the temp file. The session opens with none of the saved changes. I'd like to know how I can overwrite the old .rpp's with the changes I'm making. Thank you.

overwriting old .rpp files

JSFX : A Little mono FM synth

Hi all,

I'm experimenting with some of my oldest anti aliasing tricks
(an extended form of DPW - Differentiated Polynomial Waveforms
that i plan to use in a next version of Ze Cheesy Little Synth...).

Here is a little experimental three operator PM synth.

The base waveform of the operators are not sines but parabolas (anti aliased parabolas).
The three operators are chained:

R2  I2  R1  I1  R0
(2) --> (1) --> (0) -->

The synth has a basic AR envelope that modulates the output and the modulation depths.
You have sliders to tweak the ratios (use integer values if you intend to generate harmonic sounds) and the modulation depths.

desc:Parabola Phase Modulation Synthesizer
// Author: T.Rochebois 08/2016
slider3:sl_R2=1.0001<0,3,0.000001>Ratio 2

slider6:sl_R1=0.9997<0,3,0.000001>Ratio 1

slider9:sl_R0=1<0,3,0.000001>Ratio 0

// ___________________________________________________________________
function I0(x)( x+=16;x-=x|0;  (6*x-6)*x+1              );
function I1(x)( x+=16;x-=x|0;  ((2*x-3)*x+1)*x          );
function I2(x)( x+=16;x-=x|0;  ((0.5*x-1)*x+0.5)*x*x    );
function AA2_para(dp m)
instance(p x0 x1 y0 y1 I2_0 I2_1 I1_0 I1_1 out)(
  p += dp;  p >= 1 ? (p -= 1; x0 -= 1; y0 -= 1; );
  x1 = x0; I2_1 = I2_0; x0 = p + m;
  I2_0 = I2(x0);
  y1 = y0; I1_1 = I1_0; y0 = 0.5 * (x0 + x1);
  I1_0 = x0 == x1 ? I1(y0) : (I2_0 - I2_1)/(x0 - x1);
  out  = y0 == y1 ? I0(y0) : (I1_0 - I1_1)/(y0 - y1);
// ___________________________________________________________________
while (midirecv(offset, msg1, msg23)) (
  msg2 = msg23 & 0x7F; msg3 = msg23 >> 8; status = msg1 & $xF0;
  status == $x80 ? ( status = $x90; msg3 = 0; );  // note off
  status == $x90 ? (                              // note on
    msg3 == 0 ? (msg2 == note ? gate = 0;)
  : ( gate = sqrt(msg3 * (1/127)); note = msg2;
      dp = (440/srate)*2^((note-69)*(1/12));
  midisend(offset, msg1, msg23);
dp0 = sl_R0 * dp;  dp1 = sl_R1 * dp;  dp2 = sl_R2 * dp;
A = 1/(srate*10^sl_A);
R = 1/(srate*10^sl_R);
// ___________________________________________________________________
env += env>gate ? R*(gate-env) : A*(gate-env);
y2 = osc2.AA2_para(dp2,0);
y1 = osc1.AA2_para(dp1, env*sl_I2 * y2);
y0 = osc0.AA2_para(dp0, (0.5+0.5*env)*sl_I1 * y1);
spl0 = spl1 = min(3,max(-3,env*y0));

Short code, but the anti aliasing method seems to be quite efficient considering that the parabola waveforms have much more harmonics than... sinewaves :D

JSFX : A Little mono FM synth

Reaper dead?!

Hi to All,

I was using Reaper v 5.211, an a few days ago it turned its back on me: just completely stopped working. When I either press the space bar or click the 'Play' button, the status indicater changes from "Stopped" to "Playing" and the playing button changes to green, but nothing happens: playing cursor doesn't move along the timeline, clock doesn't count bars/beats, no sound whatsoever.

Launching Reaper from another User Account (so with its own Reaper.ini settings, so this can't be the cause) yields exactly the same result.

Things I've noticed:

1/ different appearance: some colors have changed (e.g. docked big clock is black on white background, was (I think) light grey on dark grey); TCP has thick black lines to the left and right sides; measure indicator ("4/4") and the three "Selection" values have borders drawn around them. When launching in another User Account, though, colors were normal.

2/ while launching Reaper, on the far right of the Windows Title bar appears the text "Audio device closed". This dissapears as soon as Reaper is (or rather: pretends to be) ready. This did not happen while testing in the alternative user account. If it hasn't always been so, have no idea if it started when Reaper collapsed or any time earlier already.

I have downloaded & installed v. 5.23 , hoping this would restore things to normal, but to no avail (on either User Account).

Anybody familiar with these symptoms, preferrably with an adequate solution? If not, would it be a good bet to back-up all files and folders in the C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\REAPER folder, uninstall and re-install Reaper, and re-instate the backed-up C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\REAPER files?

My setup: Intel Core i5; Ram 4 GB; H/D 1 TB; Windows 10 64-bit.

Any help will - obviously! - be well appreciated, so many tx in advance for that,
Yves Kuypers.

Reaper dead?!

Routing Madness

How can I hear a full stereo monitor mix - and at the same time - route a channel to analog?

Seriously missing something here. Either me or Reaper.


Win 10 - i7cpu 4690 / 32gb ram / Reaper 64
Sound card: Echo Audio Layla3g / Audio driver - Asio4allv2 driver
options / preferences / Device - ASIO4ALLV2
Enable inputs
First - Analog in 1-2 1
Last - Analog in 1-2 2
Enable Outputs
First - Analog out 1-2 1
Last - Analog out 1-2 2

The above works fine to get stereo out ch 1/2 only.


options / preferences / Device - ASIO4ALLV2
Enable inputs
First - Analog in 1-2 1
Last - Analog in 1-2 2
Enable Outputs
First - Analog out 1-2 1
Last - Analog out 5-6 1

You hear sound only in ch 1 in the left studio monitor
Ch5 audio output has sound going through analog compressor back into the Layla3g
Noticed - Master Ch Routing Hardware: Analog out 5-6 1 / Analog out 5-6 2 - can't get ch 1/2 as option

Note - have two sound cards installed. For the above, have all routed through the same card.

Routing Madness

Mixage uniquement avec des plugs reaper ou gratuit

Me suis fait un petit challenge, tenter un mix avec uniquement des plugs-in de reaper et 60 minutes de travail


les pistes brutes sont là ->

Mixage uniquement avec des plugs reaper ou gratuit

Count in - Pre roll

Hello people :)

As a totally new user of REAPER (still evaluating but my thoughts are very close to use it as my main DAW :)), I was wondering if someone can shed some light on a thing I have noticed with the count in/pre-roll feature... It's not a technical issue, just a visual one...

I have noticed that, whatever I do in the setup of the above mentioned, the play cursor moves back (No. of bars set for count in/pre-roll) and starts moving toward the position where the recording should take place. I am used to a more, let's say "static" approach as with Cubase for example (Cubase's play cursor doesn't move until the recording takes place - at least I used it that way :()

Is there a way around this, or I just have to get used to the REAPER approach?

Thank you!

Count in - Pre roll

Can Reaper Embed Timecode?

Can reaper embed timecode into each audio track? As in, I'm recording the instruments with both Reaper and a DSLR cam. What I want is Reaper and Camera to both embed the real life timecode into the audio and video recordings. I do multiple takes on recordings sometimes but all that might go into a single video file. Later I get to edit the audio and choose which takes I like. I'd like to be able to know which takes I've used from some kind of timestamp that will then be the same in the video.

What are you thoughts on this guys?

Can Reaper Embed Timecode?

I need help with a focusrite scarlett

Hello fellas,

I have a problem with de focusrite control driver...

I just can't get the reaper playback work. I mean, I have headphones connected to the focusrite but all I hear is direct monitoring. I'm 100% sure that I'm not configuring it all okay...

Yesterday it just worked, because I was sending everything to a bus to mix it all a bit and today it is not working.

Please helppp !!!

Thank you

I need help with a focusrite scarlett

Copying Envelopes?

I put a pitch envelope on an audio track and I'd like to copy it to several other tracks.

It's not the most intuitive process. Hell, even selecting the envelopes is difficult.

Any pointers?



Copying Envelopes?

Over the top? Yes way.

Second crack at recording in Reaper, first original tune.
Inspired by a few tours of Holland I did with jazz/funk outfit The Hipjoints back in the 90's...those were the days:) and an abiding love of Star Wars.
Some of the references are quite Amsterdam-specific - sorry about that - you have to go!
With sincere apologies to the late, great Alec Guinness, George Lucas, and probably pretty much everyone else for this highly irreverent, over-the-top, tongue firmly in cheek offering:

"Disillusioned with the Rebellion, Obi-wan Kenobi chartered the Millennium Falcon (with crew) to get away from all that 'light side/dark side' nonsense, and by a very convoluted route has ended up on Earth, where he is now stuck, Han Solo having traded the Falcon for something called a Fender Stratoblaster, which turned out not to be an awesome smugglers weapon at all.:rolleyes:
Han has learned a few licks, Chewbacca has picked up the tenor sax, and a few words of English (at last) and they've immersed themselves in the local culture. Together with Obi-wan (no mean Hammond player) and the remnants of the Cantina band (who followed them here and are wreaking their own particular brand of havoc on the old red-light district), our heroes are trying to eke out a living playing jazz-funk to the locals in the many coffee bars, which all have two menus - one for food, and one for, er, combustibles.
It's Friday night, it's raining, and Obi is late for the gig after a deal to buy back the Falcon went sour. As he enters the venue, he spots a dishevelled-looking Wookie sitting next to the stage, tenor sax in his lap, clutching a small white conical object in one hand, and a Zippo in the other........."

Oh, word of warning: Chewie really hates being called 'funky-looking'.

Let the mayhem commence......

Over the top? Yes way.

"JS: Time Adjustment Delay" not multi-channel capable

Running Reaper 5.23 x64 on Windows 8.1 x64

Wanted to process a 4-channel track containing a 3-channel file by applying different delay values to the channels.

Inserted 3x "JS: Time Adjustment Delay" on the track, i.e.
--plug #1: I/O (4in/4out) set to (exclusively) channel 1 in/out; delay x spls
--plug #2: I/O (4in/4out) set to (excl.) channel 2 in/out; delay y spls
--plug #3: I/O (4in/4out) set to (excl.) channel 3 in/out; delay z spls

Result of rendering: 4-channel file with channels 1 and 2 having delay x and y respectively, but channel 3 showing delay 0.

So, the "JS: Time Adjustment Delay" seems to process only the first two channels, although presenting a multi-channel I/O routing window.

Thank you...

"JS: Time Adjustment Delay" not multi-channel capable

cycle action command CONSOLE x....doesn't work with JS plugins?


I followed this guy's tutorial of how to add a plugin on a track using the cycle action editor:

It worked for me...except when trying with a JS plugin. Anyone know if it's possible to use JS plugin for this? there a command to add an FX to an ITEM rather than the track?

cycle action command CONSOLE x....doesn't work with JS plugins?

Second pass rendering for loops

Musicbynumbers wrote this in one of the Pre-release threads but I couldn't find a thread in requests


Please consider implementing what is commonly called "2nd pass render" option

what's it do?
It means that upon rendering, reaper will first play the render area through once and on the 2nd time, will render the audio.

What's it used for?
It's used to make sure that effects (like reverb, delays etc) have had time to build up to their full amount over time.

This means that if you are trying to create seamless loops (where the start should have the same amount of reverb on it as the end of the loop) then 2nd pass can do this.

Without 2nd pass the start of the loop is dry as it has not had time to build up delays and reverbs yet.

At the moment we have to copy the loop 2 times and render both loops out and edit it to just the last of the 2 loops. This would stop that.

Another use is in games you need sample accurate loops and as soon as you use any EQ or processing that can cause "phase distortion", you then can't render out the loop in one pass as the frequencies are the sound are now shifted depending on frequency and leave "holes" in the sound on looping.

Anyway.. please devs, it's a bigger and hopefully all you have to do there is make reaper play through once before rendering on the 2nd time round

Here's a video I just made on the current workflow for creating seamless loops. The process takes many steps and second bounce rendering would save a lot of time.

Second pass rendering for loops

ensoniq plug in

Could anyone recommend any freeware synth plugins that emulated the late 80s early 90s Ensoniq synths like the ESQ-1 and the SQ 80?


ensoniq plug in

Not sure if feature request or not... time selection/region

This is more of a question. I guess I could write it there if someone would want it as well. But I find it hard to believe that no one ever officially asked for it.
Are there ever any plans to make a 'Set time selection to current region' action?

I have seen some really old questions about this, but nothing ever really came of it other than a workaround involving adding tracks using empty items that correspond to the desired region and then using the 'Set time selection to item' action in a macro that selects a specific track group, selects all items in selected tracks, and then sets the time selection to the single item in that track. And if need be that would have to do. But it seems a bit sloppy.

For my purposes, an ideal custom action macro using this fictional feature would be:

Go to marker
Wait 0.5 sec before next action
Set time selection to current region
Toggle repeat (or set repeat)

And that would allow looping of different sections of projects on command.

Not sure if feature request or not... time selection/region

Mapping Panel: link FX parameters with formulas, autolearn them

The mpl Mapping Panel is a LUA script for REAPER.

  • 16 macro controls for any accesible plugin parameters in current active project
  • 8 maps of macro controls
  • linking map to track or fx
  • change map with MIDICC/OSC binded actions;
  • realtime modulation beetween macro controls, also through different maps;
  • unlimited number of modulation links,
  • formula per modulation link
  • support feedback routing
  • support for executable lua code as formula
  • advanced formula functions (mouse xy, manual draw curve, lfo, cycle)
  • FixedLearn engine - allow learn/unlearn MIDI/OSC controller automatically depending on current map
  • dockable GUI without any external graphics
  • configuration stored automatically into project file

Because of API limitations you CAN use it as parameter modulation but only for online render. A way to use it with offline render is putting envelopes in touch mode, record automation while playing and close Mapping Panel before rendering.

GitHub, also accessible via ReaPack extension
Requiments: REAPER 5.1, SWS 2.8.1

Short "in action" video

This project (as many others) is supported only by your donations. I let you choose what price you can pay for my work depending on how much this tool is useful for you. Donate link: see my signature.

Mapping Panel: link FX parameters with formulas, autolearn them

NO sound from reaper

I just installed Reaper, but I cant get any sound at all. I have tried all the diffrent audio settings, I installed ASIO4all but still no sound.

When I load a VST like MTpowerdrumkit 2, or If I load a Mp3 file into the program I can see the signals in master channel and the other channels but there is no sound.

I can hear the metronome that is all sound I get.

I tried a diffrent music software just to check and in ABELTON I do get sound when I set device to ASIO.

Sound works just fine in everything else than REAPER.

Im using windows 10 and I dont have a soundcard other than the one that came with the computer.

I would appreciate any help with this issue. Im completly new to using this kind of software.

NO sound from reaper

Pre Release

Hallo Forum.
Wo findet man eigentlich die Pre Release Version von Reaper?
Franz-Willi 👀

Pre Release

Auto Trim/Split snap offset bug

The snap offset function here doesnt seem to obey the zero (0) value. When putting zero there, the snap offset moves to the point where the leading pad ends.
In short: I cant turn off the snap offset moving.

Auto Trim/Split snap offset bug

CountTrackEnvelopes() / GetTrackEnvelope() include FX envelopes

There is no way to know which track envelope is Volume/Pan/Width and which are FX parameters.

If there are 3 FX envelopes on track with active volume and pan envelopes, they will be indexed as envelopes #2 #3 #4. Expected - they will not be indexed.

Problematic script: mpl_Duplicate envelope points

add track, enable volume envelope, add any plugin, open envelope for any parameter

track = reaper.GetTrack(0, 0)
count = reaper.CountTrackEnvelopes(track)

> count = 2
expected: count = 1 (only volume envelope)

CountTrackEnvelopes() / GetTrackEnvelope() include FX envelopes

Aria player CC102 autolegato switch?

Can anyone help me?
I’m programming a solo fiddle part using GPO5. I’m having trouble switching autolegato on and off using CC 102 (the controller which should do this, according to the manual). I suspect it’s operator error and/or a misunderstanding on my part

The part is in a trad folky style, and autolegato works fine for it except where I want polyphonic double stops and open string drones; autolegato is monophonic.

I can get the polyphony I want by clicking the autolegato controller button off in real time on the instrument, but I’m failing to program this by drawing in on/off events in CC102. On playback the button DOES wink out and in again, but polyphony doesn’t happen. I’ve tried recording actually switching on/off using the button on the instrument’s control page, that doesn’t work.

What am I missing? I’m not used to doing much with midi controllers beyond the usual velocity, pitch and modulation stuff.

I know this is as much a Garritan and Aria Player issue, but Reaperites are so helpful I’m trying here first.

Aria player CC102 autolegato switch?

Slow Offline Render?

Anybody else getting bottlenecked 2x realtime on render with Full Speed Offline?

I have a pretty heavy project with a few instances of kontakt, etc. But what I'm rendering out is a solo'd out track that has WAV on it and no plugins whatsoever. No plugins on the Master Track either.

What do?

I'm supposed to be getting around 10-16x realtime (usually that's the range)

Slow Offline Render?

Tempo map: Cannot insert two envelope points at same time point

The tempo map has a major deficiency compared to the other envelopes, namely that two (differently valued) envelope points cannot be inserted at the same time point.

This limitation cannot be due to any difficulties in calculating abrupt changes in tempo, since square-shaped points per definition involve such abrupt changes.

One example of the bugs caused by this limitation is that moving or copying Regions often leads to undesired and unintended changes in the tempo map. Regions always try to insert new envelope points at their boundaries when they are moved or copied, in order to preserve the shape of the pre-existing envelope. This works well in all envelopes except the tempo map:

The user can try to use hordes of square points to replace the linear ramp, but this leads to a clutter of tempo markers that is not only unsightly, but also conceals actual time signature changes. (Which of course leads to the Feature Request in my signature, and to hve's request for separate tempo and time signature envelopes.)

Tempo map: Cannot insert two envelope points at same time point

mardi 30 août 2016

two questions on 5.1 surround

rendering: what's the setting that will get me 6 mono files, one for each channel?

limiting the master: do we have native tools for this? what's the technique for limiting a six channel master? multiple instances of reacomp? routing? tutorial anywhere?

maybe that was more than two questions...


two questions on 5.1 surround

bypass and mix knob glitch

Not sure if this is new but I found it in the 5.23 and newer

watch the image for mix and bypass as I press the arrow keys to cycle through the plugins in the chain. They are starting in the off position.


Not a big deal, it's probably been like this for years but now I can't unsee it!

bypass and mix knob glitch

Reverb only send?

Hi guys. I'm trying to create a send that I can send just the wet signal of a reverb out only. Is this possible at all? How would I go about doing this?
Thanks in advance.

Reverb only send?

What Themes Have Been Updated To The Current Build?

I was wondering what Reaper themes have been updated to the latest build and what are the ones you like the best.

Thanks! :)

What Themes Have Been Updated To The Current Build?

v5.24rc1 - August 30 2016

v5.24rc1 - August 30 2016
+ FX browser: fix 'avoid loading undo state' context menu option
# API: fix GetUserInputs() on windows

v5.24rc1 - August 30 2016

The FFT Peak-following does ... what?

What does the "FFT Peak-following filter" plugin do? The one that comes with Reaper, that is.
Does it center the filter freq on the currently loudest freq area in the whole spectrum?


The FFT Peak-following does ... what?

item fx tails cutting off short

Hi, I know there is a setting somewhere that controls how long the tail of an item effect goes for after the item has finished the eg make a 20 sec reverb go for 20 secs after a single drum hit item that is only 1 sec long

I have tried playback options like run FX when stopped and run FX for 20000ms after stopped and they have no effect on the item fx tails

can someone please remind me where the settings are for that function

SOLVED - found the setting under Media

item fx tails cutting off short

Layering MIDI events on single track

I looked in the manual but couldn't really find an answer to this. If it's there, I missed it.

Let's say I have EZ Drummer on a track, and I'm using the Latin Percussion setup. It has pre-made some 2- or 4-bar (or more) MIDI patterns for different instruments that you can just drag and drop into your project. So there are conga patterns to choose from, bongo, shaker, etc.

So let's say I pull a conga pattern into my project. And then let's say I want to add a shaker pattern as well on top of the conga pattern.

As it is now, If I pull that shaker pattern on top of the conga pattern, then it will only play the shaker pattern. My work around has been to place the shaker pattern on a lower track, open up the MIDI window, copy all the notes, and then go into the conga MIDI window and paste them there.

That works fine, but surely there's an easier way to do this, right?

Is there some setting I can select so that, when I drag a new MIDI event on top of another, it automatically merges them into one event?

Or is there at least some way I can merge the two when one is on top of other without having to do what I'm doing now?

Thanks for any advice!

Layering MIDI events on single track

Phase on plugins and busses. AARRRRGGHH!!

Issue #1:
Certain plugins, primarily waves (YES, I KNOW they don't support Reaper yet) but some others as well, create a phase issue when I send other tracks to them, for example a drums bus for sidechain compression. To date, all I've found in the forums is tedious workarounds- i.e. mix the track normally, then mix the bus, measure the sample difference and move the sidechain's audio. This is HUGELY inconvenient, tho, if I plan on adjusting ANYTHING on the sidechain track, like I decide I've got too much reverb, or I think the kick is picking up too much, etc. or I want different EQ or comp settings- I have to Re-render the sidechain track, listen, and if I don't like, adjust and re-render again. Anyone have any idea about how to make this workable? Link to a post I missed?

Issue #2:
To further solidify my now boycott of Waves until they support Reaper, when I'm working on a big project with lots of effects, I'll start to lose the GUI of Waves plugins. I'll put a plugin instance on a track, and nothing pops up, click on it, nothing. I can pull up the generic sliders via Reaper's UI button, but some Waves plugs are hard to use without the actual GUI. Again, any suggestions or workarounds would be greatly appreciated.

Phase on plugins and busses. AARRRRGGHH!!

Render resample solo bug (sort of)

Here's a particular thing I found.
I wanted to render some tracks from a session. I soloed tracks I wanted to render, and in the render settings I set resampling (I will work in a different sample rate than initial settings).
So my setting for render was "master mix" (I am aware of stem rendering but in this case I needed to solo few tracks at a time -- a blend of multiple mics of a guitar amp). I used render queue to set up several mixdowns.
And what I found is that the rendering was incredibly slow. Now, my PC is quite fast (latest six core i7) so I looked deeper, and what I found was that the logic of soloing things when resampling is as follows:
Resample all tracks then solo.
If I copy tracks I soloed into a blank session the render is MUCH faster.
I don't think technically it is a bug, but it's just that the CPU resources are not used efficiently in this case.
Now, if I MUTE all the other tracks instead of soloing tracks I need, it all goes much faster again.

Render resample solo bug (sort of)

Weird "connected" notes in piano roll?

In the attached screen shot I show how Reaper has connected a bunch of piano notes . It "looks like" several super long notes. Reaper has somehow expanded the length of each of these notes to the edge of the next note. This look extremely weird and I never did this. Why is Reaper doing this and how do I make it stop?

Attached Images
File Type: jpg ConnectedNotes2.jpg (57.6 KB)

Weird "connected" notes in piano roll?

Sending MMC

I was trying to sync a video player with MTC, it is working but only in play mode. When we move the cursor when stopped, there is no timecode sent.
We need that MMC features.

Sending MMC

Change automation envelope colour

We need a way to change automation envelope colour - there's a few envelope color choices Reaper makes by default which are a huge strain on the eyes.

The main culprit is the Volume (Pre-FX) envelope colour - that particular shade of green has such little contrast with the background that it's a huge strain on the eyes to be able to see where the automation points are and what the curve is doing.

Change automation envelope colour


I talked to a guy from the Icon support, he said the Platform M will be soon available and extensions as well. The unit could handle 3 extents to give a
32 channel controler fully compatible with Reaper.
Extensions are expected before the end of the year


Good Guitarrist, Good Songs, Worst Execution


I have a small studio in the back of my house and I've been recording albums, demos, EPs, etc, for some bands of my city and around.

Recently I started to record an album for a band whose guitarrist is really really bad. (actually there are two, but the first one is ok). The songs are great, very well composed and stuff, but his execution is painfully bad to the point of being impossible to work around it.

Out of time riffs can be fixed, most of them, but I'm having a really bad experience with the solos.

Have you ever been through this kind of situation?

He won't learn to play the guitar over night, so, is not like if I tell him to keep practicing at home would change anything.

Also, he won't accept having the other guitarrist record his solos.


Good Guitarrist, Good Songs, Worst Execution

Frequance ( Eq )

Quel q'un parmis vous aurait il un shema pour les frequances utile lorsque l'ont mix ,exemple le pied ( kick drum ) frequance partie basse partie haute

caisse clair ect ..une reference global question de bien comprendre les ajustement sur chaque partie d'une piste drum Merci

Frequance ( Eq )

Track Gouping should work, when grouped parameters are automated

I wrote a bug report a while ago, cause I thougth this was a bug:

As I get deeper in Reaper over time I realize that track grouping is nearly useless to me at the moment. The reason is that it does not work when the grouped parameters are automated. I automate many parameters even in an average mixing project. The flexibility track grouping brings in is awesome but it can't be used when you automate one of the grouped parameters. I think this is a waste of possibilities. E.g.: I reverse automate panning on two tracks by creating a group. Now I want my audio signals to move. This could be so easy by just automating one of the two tracks seeing the other one follow. But for that I have to delete the group and automate both in an inversed way. Life could be easier with that feature.

Track Gouping should work, when grouped parameters are automated

Track wrouping

title mistake

Track wrouping

Goodhertz plugins - right-click does not show menu

Goodhertz plugins have some copy/paste preset functionality in a right-click menu in their v2 plugins... right-clicking on a Goodhertz GUI window in Reaper doesn't seem to do anything at all, so this functionality is hidden.

Reaper 5.23 64 bit
Goodhertz plugins 2.0.0 r7
OS X 10.11.6

Goodhertz plugins - right-click does not show menu

Mics Simmer EQ Freq

So I've been looking into buying a mic for ages...

People tell me I need a condenser for recording (vocals), and that condensers will give me "air" and "shimmer".

Apparently being more sensitive, and therefor picking up the higher frequencies is what does this.

So in that case, a Senn 441, or RE20 would also shimmer, since they capture those frequencies.

But then, I just did a test, and can't even hear 16kHz, so I (and most adults) aren't going to notice anything the mic captures above 15k, which is where the dynamics are mostly dropping the ball.

Every time I go/write to a shop asking for a dynamic to record, they act like I'm insane, and I end up not making the purchase.

I'm trying to do some blind A/B tests, but I'm not able to hear what is a condenser and what's dynamic. I've been playing this EQ math game (which is easy for me at level 20) trying to improve my hearing, and I think I have, but I'm still not hearing it. I feel like I can't buy a mic without hearing myself what I'm getting/doing.

So is everything everyone says BS? Do I have crappy ears? Anyone have a good recording showcasing the difference between a condenser and dynamic mic? (ideally vocals but other things also help). Should I find a more advanced EQ trainer?

Mics Simmer EQ Freq

Movin' On

I can't even find a midi file for the song Movin' On by Bad Company. This was a hit song of their debut album in the seventies. I can't find a Guitar Pro file either for the song so I can't even think about making my own backing track.

Why does the internet suck so bad?

If anyone can post a link to this song preferably a freebie, please do so.

I can't find much of anything on the internet.

Movin' On

Reaper/DrumMica not saving state

Hi all,
I'm running into a headache with Sennheiser's DrumMica thru NI Kontakt, where it's not saving the patch with the song - that is to say I can open a project in Reaper, spend time working on the drums, changing the mix and settings in DrumMica (selecting mics, changing volumes on the DrumMic'a mixer, etc), then save and quit the project. When I come back, some settings in drumMica have reverted to the init patch and others are retained, but it's not the same mix that was set when I saved the project.

I have the full version of Kontakt, and other instruments from the library aren't doing this, so I'm not sure if it's a Reaper setting or a DrumMica setting. Has anyone seen this? I've confirmed that "disable saving full plug-in state" is un-checked, and it happens in multiple projects. Does EZ Drummer or Superior Drummer do this? It doesn't seem that others have to open an existing Reaper project then manually load a settings file into the instrument/VST, at least I don't see that on youtube tutorial vids I've seen, so I'm wondering what my deelio is.

Reaper v5.23 and Kontakt v5.5.2.880.

Thanks -

Reaper/DrumMica not saving state

Need some tempo map help

I am trying to force a stereo track to grid.

I have:

Tapped in a close BPM
inserted a time signature at beat one
set timebase to beats
turned on free item positioning
inserted a click source on additional track
played the track and tapped in markers on the down beat
split item at markers


select the first newly split item
set time selection to item
insert measure at selection ( detect tempo)

When I insert the measure it causes a space between my item thus a gap in audio.

I wrestled with this a week or so ago and had the same issue but trying different thing like free item positioning and trim behind I got it to work perfectly with no gaps. I cant seem to figure out what I did right and what I am doing wrong.

any ideas?

Need some tempo map help

I can confirm that reajs effects crashes Cubase

For many days I was banging my head against a wall trying to figure out why Cubase would randomly crash in the middle of a session or when opening a certain plugin.

Turns out - that certain plugin(s) was reajs. After 8 hours of no crashes, I inserted an instance of reajs - bass manager and within a ffew minutes, when I tried to open the plugin GUI it crashed Cubase (though the audio kept running).

I know this might be a tough ask in a Reaper forum, but reajs has some great effects that are quite useful - if the cockos team could kindly focus on the plugin version it would help out many folks like myself. :D

Till then no more Reafx for me. Looks like I might have to install waves after all. :(

I can confirm that reajs effects crashes Cubase

All peaks are rebuilt upon new media insertion

Hi guys

Im working on a huge, one hour project with a ton of items (well, not that much, around 150), and each time I insert a new media, Reaper rebuilds all of the peaks.
Is there a way to get rid of this ? I dont wanna uncheck the "generate peak caches on import" option course, I just want reaper to build the new item's peak, not rebuild the whole stuff (whats the point ?)


All peaks are rebuilt upon new media insertion

More wildcards options, or how to name takes depending on presets/patches

I'd like to setup REAPER to name the recorded takes, depending on what preset is currently loaded into the VSTi.

On AAS plugins, REAPER do not display presets (it stick with "Default") because the plugin manage presets itself, within the engine.

Is there a way to pick up the preset name inside the AAS plugin,
and ask REAPER to name takes regarding this ?

The reason why I would like to do this :
I use VSTi as analog hardware, I print/record output as I'm playing/tweakinig knobs, into audio files.
It would be nice to have the preset name from where I started, included into files names.

Another option would be taking a snapshot of the DAW/VSTi/Screen, as I'm recording files...
I'll check SWS Extension for that solution.

More wildcards options, or how to name takes depending on presets/patches

Script Request: Make Open Chords.

Dear Scripters,

Here's my wish:

Let's say i have a chordprogression in Midi Editor.
It's made of simple, "dense" Triads.
So, minor triad has interval 3>4
And major triad has interval 4>3

Now i want the middle notes of all triads in this progression be transposed 1 octave, making
all triads more "open"
The wishfulscript should do this.

Even more, when i have a chord progression made of all 7th chords,
the script can transpose all second notes in all the 7th chords 1 octave, making all 7th chords more

Bottom line is:
A script that can transpose all the second notes (is that called second degree in music language ?) in triads or 7th chords, 1 octave, in Midi editor.

Willing to pay generously !

Script Request: Make Open Chords.

Saturation and harmonics


What is your approach and tools for saturation and harmonics?
Wide-band, multi-band, pre/deemphasis, type, wetness?

I'm not sure on this subject.
I hear use of bitcrushing, trashing and overdrive,
and I'm often thinking "This is not for me/ my taste".
Yet, tube, transformer, console-emu, adding weight here and there, softening transients -all those things I like.
Is it much about the amount of harmonics?
Or is it very different styles?

I tend to use/like Sknote Strip and Mjuc. I like the Rocket > Impetus and ThrillseekerXTC,
but I'm looking for more understanding on this subject
and maybe some new tools/workflow.


Saturation and harmonics

Rehearse a Custom Action

When creating a new or editing an existing custom action, a rehearsal execution would be in place. It would advance the list of actions one by one, so I could check wether the actions do what I think they do. Would help in solving what goes wrong.

One implementation would be a button with text "Rehearse...". When clicked, it would:
- change to arrow buttons (left and right)
- have a title "Rehearsing 1/20" above the buttons
- execute only the first action, and wait for the user to click the "next" button
- when all actions have completed, the "next" button would turn to "commit (changes)".

Rehearse a Custom Action

UAD plug-in GUI menu strip upside down

Reapers plugin preset menu strip merged with UAD2 plugin lower part menu strip.
It shows on all UAD plugins.
Cubase 8.5 and Wavelab 7 shows it as required, on the bottom part of a plugin GUI.

Link to screenshot:

Any one experience this GUI bug?

Latest Reaper version, Mac Osx El Capitan, UAD2 Satellite OCTO thunderbolt, software v8.7.

UAD plug-in GUI menu strip upside down

Entering EXACT Values

Before posting a FR or a BR I'd like to check before.

Question is: is it possible somehow to key in PRECISE amounts of volumes for item?

I can raise it turning item knob or dragging from the top of the item, or by moving the slider in the "item properties" window (F2). Anyway I can't be very precise with the mouse drag alone and there seems to be no way as to key in a db number in place.

Any help?

Entering EXACT Values

lundi 29 août 2016

Sample Search help needed.

Dear Friends ,

Please help! Reaper not searching samples in the project.

*Its a multi-mic editing project.
* Project is passed from different-different computers
* Its being done in Mac
* We are using take folder to edit multi-mic samples using “Implode items across tracks in takes”

What we have now

1) Project in which samples are used.
2) All the samples with same names - no sample names are changed. Except the folder paths on different computers

What we have tried.

Search option

1) Tried using “search option” when we load the project. After searching Reaper says “ file in offline mode”

Browse Option

In take folder we have two mic position ( Mono and other file stereo ). Reaper allow to link just one mic position.

If we link mono mic file it turns both the files to mono in project and
If we link to stereo it turns both the files to stereo.

Please help we have edited almost 20,000 samples and project is messed up.
Please let me know if any other info is required.
Thank you in advance.

Best wishes

Sample Search help needed.

Play Only Regions?

I'm looking for a script that will enable a mode that plays only regions and skips over anything in the timeline that is not in a region.
(I have songs as Regions and I want to test the time between songs and also just be able to play an album through as it will be when it's done.)

If this is not already possible, would anyone be able to create something like this? I can offer a small amount of payment if that would help.
I would like to be able to just have a button on my toolbar perhaps that turns on "Region Play" mode or something similar.

(The SWS Region Playlist does not work like I want it to. I don't want to have to add things to a playlist and I still want to be able to skip to certain parts in the song and make changes, etc. The Region Playlist also does not have a next button to skip to the next song.)


Play Only Regions?

UAD Authorization

I'm using 5.24 pre14 and suddenly getting a UAD authorization error. REAPER is telling me that one or more UAD plugins have been disabled because authorizations are not current.

When I go to the UAD control panel and "Update Authorizations", all plugins I am using an own are authorized for all devices.

Did something change recently with UAD Authorizations in REAPER? It seems to be Chandler Curve Bender that gets disabled.

I can provide more info in the morning as I'm no longer at that computer so I'm going by memory.

UAD Authorization

Media Bay - new action: "Insert as take in selected item, preserving start offset"

1: Insert an audio file on a track

2: Option + drag the audio item to "move item contents" (i.e. adjust the "start in source" value for the file to something other than 0:00.0000)

3: Open Media Bay and find a new audio file

4: Right-click the new file and choose "Insert as take in selected item"

5: The file inserts as a new take, but the start offset is 0 (i.e. the new take doesn't adhere to the start offset created for the initial item in step 2)

It would be great to be able to have a dedicated action to "Insert as take in selected item, preserving start in source value", to allow new takes to be added which obey the start offset value of the preceding take.

The workaround (starting at step 2) is to duplicate the active take, then go into Item Properties on the newly-created take and hit "Take media source -> select new file", but this is pretty finicky.

The same thing applies to "Use as media source for selected item" as well - when doing this from Media Bay, it resets the Start offset of the item to 0... to make sure the existing item's Start offset is obeyed, you have to go into item properties and hit "Take media source -> select new file".

Media Bay - new action: "Insert as take in selected item, preserving start offset"

v5.24pre15 - August 29 2016

v5.24pre15 - August 29 2016
+ API: support increasing GetUserInputs() text field width
+ API: support up to 16 fields for GetUserInputs()
+ FX chain: fix macOS keyboard bug [t=180852]
+ Render: fix issue with muted folder children and stem rendering [t=180359]

v5.24pre15 - August 29 2016

tube amp possible issue. help would be nice :)

Hey guys,

thanks for listening to my happy rants on how great it is playing through an ANALOG amp and an ANALOG guitar for once ;)

now, here comes the inevitable problem thread.

last night, something was cutting out after a long day of performing outside. It was either my guitar or my amp -

it seriously just cut out - wasn't a cable as far as I can tell, esp cause I used two different ones, and even bypassed the amp...

I am not sure what caused it, but it could be bad pots on the guitar too, I am dealing with some old hardware there.

one thing I got concerned with is it seemed on my hotrod, the sound would get kinda fuzzy or dirty even at "3" - not that far up...

kinda hard to get a nice clean tone out of it at decent volumes. Maybe that's the fact that it's only one speaker.

could it need new tubes?

should it break up that easily?

any advice would be appreciated :)

tube amp possible issue. help would be nice :)

Pos Grid Bias Amp desktop in Win10?

I popped for psbad but can't seem to get it going in Reaper.
I'm running win 10.
Any ideals?
I really need to quit messing with this software and write some more songs!

Pos Grid Bias Amp desktop in Win10?

Bias Amp desktop with Windows 10?

I thought I'd get the pos grid Bias amp desktop, but can't seem to get it going in Reaper.
Im running win 10.
Any ideals?

Bias Amp desktop with Windows 10?

Plan for irregular studio

I am planning a basement room for a small studio. It is very irregular with no windows - Am I wrong to think this is a good thing?
Seeking advice for treatment. Will have WtW carpet, some sheetrock walls, some walls & ceiling are cheap thin paneling.
Considering bass traps in corners, absorbent panels at reflection points & doors, and some type of ceiling clouds =(Hanging or pleated foam panels or carpet?)
Monitors, worktable and chair in red. Thoughts?

Attached Images
File Type: jpg Studio_Plan.jpg (59.1 KB)

Plan for irregular studio

Playing SMF in Reaper

Is it possible for Reaper to rout standard midi files to a software GM synth and play without having to maually loading a sound for each track? I have read many posts but have not seen any solution. I tried different GM synths in Reaper, but none of them loads automatically sounds for different tracks.
Thanks, in advance, for any help.

Playing SMF in Reaper

Verwirrung Midi Item

Wie mache ich in REAPER ein Midi Item zu einem "Alias" wie früher bei Cubase, also so, dass zukünftig eine Änderung im entsprechenden Item die gleiche Änderung in allen Kopien herbeiführt?

Verwirrung Midi Item

Can I duck the EQ portion instead of the whole track?

I just learned side-chain compression, but I want something less obvious and just ducking the specific EQ.

Is this possible?

Can I duck the EQ portion instead of the whole track?

What happened?!?!

I only use Reaper for my own amusement. I record myself singing karaoke. Reaper has been a fantastic program for that.

I use a karaoke player and a vocal mic into a Behringer USB interface. Up until last week everything worked fine. Nearly every song I do has been done with the same template. I use the same FX on the vocal and the same Fx on the Left and Right music channels. I then do a little "Mastering" on the Master bus.

Whenever I render a song, the render speed has always been somewhere between 3.2 and 4.1 normal speed.

Starting last week, that render speed went down to 1.1 to 1.3. I haven't made any software updates, except to update Reaper to 5.23. I thought that could be the problem. I re-installed 5.22 and the problem is still there. I have even re-rendered projects that I did before the problem occurred. They do the same thing. 1.1 to 1.3 render speed.

Anyone have any ideas?

What happened?!?!

Which VST/VSTi's play nicely with Wine

I've finally got my Scarlett 18i8 to work with Reaper under wine using Jack (Ubuntu Studio 16.04.1) and now need to try and port over some of my VSTs.

Before doing so I was wondering if there any known problems with the likes of Waves or any of the other main ones running under wine.

Alternatively any advice as to which ones run well under wine and are either low cost or free which I could try.

Which VST/VSTi's play nicely with Wine

Using GPU for CPUing

So as someone who has no idea how computers really work, I had this brilliant idea.

Write some magic in Reaper that allows it to use the GPU for processing power, that way folks with "gamer" machines can take advantage of their GPUs while processing audio / samples / effects.

Using GPU for CPUing

Channel Strips

Does anyone have a favorite channel strip that you use with Reaper? Perhaps, with a comment about why you like it?

Channel Strips

CMD+minus can't be used with FX chain window open

I assigned "Show/Hide envelope for last touched parameter" to CMD+- and it works when a vst is floating, but when inside the fx chain I get an error.

Assigning the action to a different shortcut like cmd+= is fine. Minus by itself works but you have to click into the arrange view after moving the fx control.

Reaper v5.23
OSX 10.10.5

CMD+minus can't be used with FX chain window open

Mpc1000 with Reaper

I just got myself an MPC1000 and I was wondering if I could play drums on the mp and record it through reaper, is that possible? Also if that's not possible how do I load my mpc recorded songs into reaper with all the different sounds on separate tracks so I can mix them and what equipment do I need to do this?

Thanks for any help!

Mpc1000 with Reaper

Megadeth - Lucretia (full band cover)


Another collaboration I did with some really talented guys(and gal) from Russia.
This is also my tribute to Nick Menza! RIP


Megadeth - Lucretia (full band cover)

pedal board recommendations

my pedal board is kinda crap - it just falls apart and won't close. seems to work well enough.

looking at that one.

I don't need multiple paths... I also need a way to power it all.

pedal board recommendations

Small Full Meter Tweak

I love the Small Full Meter layout for tracking. However, I hate the placement of the track name over on the right side of the bar. It would be awesome to have a version where the track name is on the left side. Could be in the space that's used for the "value readout".

Small Full Meter Tweak

Tempo Adjustment Arrows

It would be nice if the Tempo adjust included up/down arrows to fine tune tempo. It's a pain to have to type the tempo in to adjust it!

Tempo Adjustment Arrows

USB Foot Pedal To Start And Stop Transport

This would really be handy, especially for punching in. Any suggestions? I'm not running any MIDI.

USB Foot Pedal To Start And Stop Transport

Recent FX - list them in strict alphabetical order

At the moment, the "Recent FX" , in the FX Browser and the [FX] button context menu, are listed in "most recent first" order.

It can still be difficult to locate a particular FX; so it would be useful to see them in strict alphabetical name order (ignoring folders, plug-in types etc). That could make them much easier to scan for the one you want.

Two implementation places:
-- a choice added to the FX Browser context menu
-- a preference on the Preferences / plug-ins page

Recent FX - list them in strict alphabetical order


I have been experiencing the same problem for days, and haven't gotten any avail. I am getting absolutely NO input levels in REAPER. I am using the MOTU Ultralite mk3 Hybrid audio interface. The input levels on the audio interface (in standalone mode) are more than suffice.

WHY isn't REAPER picking up my input audio signal? I feel like I have tried everything: read entire manuals, watched every video tutorial I could find, and searched through as many relevant threads as possible. I am more than frustrated. Missing the joy of making music.

Please help.


[paid job] looking for someone to merge two themes

hi everyone,

i'm looking for someone to merge and modify two themes for me:
basically i want the tcp from one theme and the mcp from another. (both themes are from the same themer, janne83)

below are the modifications i'd like to see. (i apologize for my bad english, i hope you understand what i mean ;))

if you think you can do these modifications, please send me a p.m. with an offer
(i honestly have no idea how long it takes for an experienced themer to merge the themes and do the mods...)

thanks a lot in advance! :)

Best greetings,

MCP and main-theme, template for everything:

MCP mods:
- move tracklabel-box above mute- and solo-button. use dark background, similar to JanneUniverseCustom_102 (see link below for TCP)
- remove pan knob, use silder instead (like when you minimize the mixer to a certain point)
- move pan-slider below meter & fader, above phase-button & fader-value

additional mcp layouts:
- blank seperator (no tracklabel-box)
- big meter (from Janne2015_v102.ReaperThemeZip)
- default but with big meter on the left and centerd fader (small meter removed, overall size of the track is big-meter + default)

- red ruler during recoring, is it possible to make the red more dark?


TCP source:

TCP mods:
- remove vertical meters
- exchange position of envelope-button with routing-button
- exchange button-graphic for routing, like in theme jane2015_v102
- exchange button-graphic for fx-inserts / on/off,

TCP optional mods:
- new track-layout with horizonal meters? (only visible if track is expanded, positones below pan-knob / inputs)
- volume button: can the slope be changed, so its less linear? curve like in the MCP?

especially the folder-handling in the TCP of JanneUniverseCustom_102.ReaperThemeZip is important for me (bad in Janne2015_v102.ReaperThemeZip)

[paid job] looking for someone to merge two themes

dp Meter II Shows Reaper Calibrates It's RMS Too Low?

I tried the test in this video using the Pink Noise file he gives the link for in Reaper using dp Meter II as my Loudness meter:

Here's a screen shot (image on the Left, RMS) of what I got:

At 3:15 he says:

"The correct reading ... is -11.5 ...some meters will come out reading that as -14.5"

I have included screenshots of my results. Here's what I really want to know, forget which method of calculation is right or wrong: I noticed that the reading under RMS Average [AVG] is roughly 3dbs lower than the reading in the RMS Summed mode [SUM] - a difference not too far off from what Ian was talking about.

So should I be reading the meter in Averaged mode or Summed mode, and does it matter?

As nitpicky as this may seem, I appreciate the enlightenment on the subject, thanks.

Attached Images
File Type: jpg RMSAVG.jpg (59.9 KB)

dp Meter II Shows Reaper Calibrates It's RMS Too Low?

Where did scales go?


revisiting reaper as I see it now can do musicxml - really excellent decision.

One thing though is the piano roll used to have scale on it. See image in this post

But after installing reaper 5.23 to test out how well the musicxml works with other apps, the option for scale is gone on the piano roll !!??

How do i get it back?

Thanks in advance

PS Personal fyi, for beginners, like me, this (there, not there, in the UI) makes the experience very frustrating, and leaves one at a loss. Even after searching the forum, I honestly couldn't find the explanation as to where it's gone, why it's gone, or how to get it back. I hope you can help. Thankyou.

Where did scales go?

"Midi Note Off" errors

Recently when recording midi, there seem to be instances where the "note off" message is not sent. I get long notes dragging across bars where they shouldn't. These are visible in the midi editor screen, but are invisible in the main screen curiously. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,

"Midi Note Off" errors

Auxiliary sends fader


I am searching for a way to show an auxiliary send knob or fader in the TCP panel, like for the effects parameters.
Any idea ?

And (or) is there a way to control the auxiliary send with MIDI ?
I can see that I can activate a MIDI button, but I don't know how to use it :(

Thanks !

Auxiliary sends fader

dimanche 28 août 2016


I am in the need of sub-ppq(don't ask! ;)).

In my midi generating code, I can create sub-ppq and it seems to work, but the midi notes themselves seem to be clamped to a ppq resolution of 1. Just curious if I can get away with this? Is the internal resolution much greater than what reaper uses for display and it is just a visual issue or will reaper do something do the notes at some point(e.g., if they are moved, or saved, etc)?

If not, what is the lowest I can get? I'm currently doing 1/10. I'll try others but can't really test it out too well at this point.


Generating midi, must unselect before it works

I have a script that generates some midi by inserting midi notes in to an item. What is strange is that I have to deselect the midi notes before they work. It's as if reaper is not playing them back until I move the cursor or interact with it somehow. The notes are inserted and everything looks to be playing, but it isn't(no midi notes are showing in the vol meter).

I guess I have to call some function in inform reaper of the changes?

Generating midi, must unselect before it works

VST Reverbs and impusles

What reverbs and impulses are you guys using for vocals and drums lately?

VST Reverbs and impusles

RT Core Selection

My CPU(6800K) allows for different overclocks on individual cores. My projects performance is often limited to the RT performance, which might sit at 90%, while CPU is at 25%.
While i'm probably in the minority with my CPU, so understandably not a priority here, it would be good to be able to specify the primary core so Reaper knows where to stick the most intensive thread.

RT Core Selection

Having more than 8 user inputs(reascript/python) limits to 8 with no text

I need 10!!!! Just 10!!! ;)

Come on! Please! I'll give you a cookie!

(I might need more than 10 later, but at least 10 now! 8 seems like one of those weird arbitrary numbers like 640k or 255(SS death benefits?))

Having more than 8 user inputs(reascript/python) limits to 8 with no text


Can one has a sort of drop down/combo box in UserInputs? Sorta like with js.


No Input Signal

I recently got a new audio interface (MOTU Ultralite mk3) and have been setting it up in Reaper to record. I'm plugged into instrument input 1 with guitar and have no input levels coming through Reaper when using the mk3 as my audio interface. The mk3 is selected as my primary audio device in the preferences menu, all input volumes are sufficiently turned up, as well as guitar volume.

When using the mk3 on it's own (internal clock source), I'm getting plenty of guitar signal through my inputs and can hear it through my headphones.

I can't hear anything when using Reaper.

Is there anyone who could offer suggestions to help resolve this issue?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

No Input Signal

Recording Studio Client Time Logging/Invoicing

I'm just now getting in to Reaper. It seems to do pretty much anything the "industry standards" can do - and more.

This may be asking a lot -

I was just curious if Reaper has any way to easily implement logging studio time on a clients' project... and possibly create an invoice?


Recording Studio Client Time Logging/Invoicing

Will we ever have native multitrack drum editing?

This is not a reaper bash thread. I REPEAT.
This is not a reaper bash thread.
i have been using reaper since 2009 and i love it and it does many things better than other DAWs or even things that others can´t do.

But I´ve always had the feeling that reaper is made by awesome "programmers" and not by musicians/audio engineers that have worked on studios making records by industry standards.

Beat detective exists since 2001 (pro tools v5.1)
and i think that RIGHT NOW Studio one 3.3 has the best alternative and its much better than the "real" beat detective

Editing multitrack drums is pretty much the norm on 99% of the cds released in the last couple of decades (hell...earlier than that it was even made cutting and pasting actual TAPE)
Its not like its some weird obscure function that almost no one uses...
And here we are at almost 2017 without native multitrack editing options.

I know every single youtube video/paid course/thread/method about how to edit multitrack drums in reaper and i had to spend weeks thinking about how to make my own weird and convoluted workflow using mostly reascripts to even do something similar.(and not so many months ago many of these reascripts didnt even exist)

But why the hell do i have to be using weird workarounds and many reascripts and not something as easy as(simplified version) select the drum group, select the guide tracks, select the percentage of quantization and hit ok?

Will we ever have native multitrack drum editing?

Smoooth R&B

The tune at the bottom of the web page in this link

was recorded in my son's studio (Sweetfoot studios).

The song (Floor) was written and performed by Kentavius Jones (aka KJ). Pure R&B, about as smooth as it gets. In fact it is so smooth, I'm wondering how Reaper forum members will respond to it. There does seem to be something of a revival of this type of R&B...

I'm especially curious what our European friends will think about this one. Recorded entirely with Reaper of course.


Smoooth R&B

Is there a way to "insert click source" and use your custom metronome samples?

Currently it only uses the default click. Is this possible? I suppose I could manually do it with midi and RS5k, but that would take a while.

Is there a way to "insert click source" and use your custom metronome samples?

Help! How do I controll my interface's outputs in reaper?

So what I'm trying to do is record dry guitar tracks into Reaper, and use an amp for live/no latency monitoring while I track. Very similar to what this guy is doing in this video:

Im running my guitar into a Presonus Studio 192 mobile interface. I have the main outputs going to my monitors, and output 3 going into a small amp. My goal is to have output 3 be a dry signal of just the guitar.

Currently Reaper is playing all of the tracks through the main outs just fine, but it is also playing all of the tracks through the third output as well.
This is happening even though I only have "main output left" and "main output right" selected for outputs, and regardless of the audio system + drivers that I select.

I have "Studio 192 Asio" selected for a driver, which creates a button that reads "Asio Configuration", but clicking the button doesn't seem to open anything.
I have also tried changing the device settings in Studio One, but clicking on the "device settings" button doesn't seem to do anything. I also tried to change settings in Presonus Universal Control, but didn't have any luck.
What am I doing wrong?

Help! How do I controll my interface's outputs in reaper?

Need for Limiter ?? Not Mixing Live Inst __ VSTi Only

Usually keen to add quality VST plugs when on promo sale.

bx_Limiter on again now at $19. Aware of good free ones but hate to pass this if considered basic essential for tool box. Already have KClip2 Std but no Limiter.
Can Upgrade to KClip2 Pro for $25. ... better soft knee/soft Clipper?

Very 'basic' Q, but just not sure when Limiter issue may arise with only VSTi tracks.

Need for Limiter ?? Not Mixing Live Inst __ VSTi Only

How do you pan a mono source that needn't be in the center

Say you got your vocals kick and bass in the center. Now scat shoo the rest of em to L or R.

Problem is - let's say I got keys it's mostly mono except for a wee bit of stereo. Where/how do you place this in LCR panning? Sticking it Left or Right would make it stick out like a sore thumb so what are my options?

How do you pan a mono source that needn't be in the center

UA plugs in won't work in REAPER!

I took my laptop away with me and opened up a Reaper session, no problem, until I tried to add some of the UA Plug ins! THEY WONT WORK unless you have a UA interface plugged in!

I am sure is there a way round this? what do travelling producers do in transit when they want to mix on a laptop, on a flight or wherever!?

Could you tell me the Reaper settings/preferences to change to allow the use of the plug ins?

Much appreciated.

UA plugs in won't work in REAPER!

Certain themes mess up panning law?

This isn't the first time I've had this happen...

Has anyone tried newer themes and all of a sudden, panning doesn't work properly, on a track-by-track basis?


Three tracks. One is a drumloop. Second is a synth part. Third is a guitar loop. Pan these individual tracks left or right.... no or little difference in audio. Even though the meters are showing the sound only on the left or right.

Master track panning works as it should: pan hard left... it's only in my left ear. Pan hard right? Only in my right ear.

But the TRACKS.... nope.

Interestingly, other themes... this does not happen. It's like the setting/imported configuration required by the theme overrides pan law.

Really interesting... I'm probably the only one who has experienced this.


Certain themes mess up panning law?

Digital Performer 9.1 CPU load optimisation (wow!) How will it stand against Reaper?

Hi everyone,

As we all know Reaper has the best optimised CPU load of any DAW out there.

Now the guys from MOTU have found a way to optimise their Digital Performer's CPU enormously, which makes other's CPU load performance suddenly fade away.

Read here all about it:

Screenshot: (check all those Kontakt tracks...amazing):

What the say:
Next-gen Pre-gen™ engine — DP's Next-generation Pre-gen engine transparently pre-renders audio output from virtual instruments and plug-ins to dramatically reduce their CPU load, allowing you to run many times the number of plug-ins and virtual instruments than in previous versions.

1. @Cockos: can you learn from their optimisation technique and bring Reaper's performance to an even more higher level?

2. @Everyone: has anyone tried DP 9.1 against Reaper's CPU load (side by side)?

There is a 30-day demo of DP 9.1 available for Mac and Windows, so let us download, try and compare:

Digital Performer 9.1 CPU load optimisation (wow!) How will it stand against Reaper?

Repeated "crash" noise upon startup

Hi everyone. I use reaper for midi playback only. But I get the "crash " noise every time that I start reaper. I use it one gigs, so I have to remember to turn the volume on my steinberg ur44, whitch turns down the warmup music. I would like to avoid this.
I have all the vsts' running through a master bus.
Please help!

Repeated "crash" noise upon startup

cover songs by a female audio engineer in the 70s who lives locally

(the top link is the first song she's streaming... ugh how soundcloud messed with the sound)

This is someone who lives locally that I got to know as I continued my mission to grow the local scene and try and get more people out and playing -

and came to see that she had some experiences as a woman in the 1970s music industry.

She records only with a cheap condenser and a shure sm57. All digital.

no sound treatment except whatever's typically in her super old house in the middle of nowhere. It's pretty awesome :)

reaper had a hand in this as I put the tracks in over here and "mastered" them with her. :)

cover songs by a female audio engineer in the 70s who lives locally

Picking parts from different takes

Hello dear reapers,

I have 5 takes of the same track, and I would like to pick the best parts from each take... How to do it?

Currently I'm listening to each take and cutting little slices that I like and moving to another track... Sometimes there is slices from different takes that occur at the same time... How to best organize these?

I hope I made myself clear :).

Picking parts from different takes


Just started using Reaper and creating a new project.
Is there a way to use keyframes on the audio timeline?
I've searched everywhere and cannot find the answer.
I need to adjust the volume up an down along the clip in different spots.


CreateMIDIInput and CreateMIDIOutput return value in case of error

The Reaper API is extensive, but one thing it is missing is a lot of the documentation. One thing I would suggest the developers to every new API function create a good documentation no matter how self explanatory the function signature is. And for every new Reaper release, no matter how small release, write documentation to some fixed number of functions once again no matter how self explanatory the function signature is. It is question of good practice to do so. Do not leave anything to assumptions. Now to the question:

In case of initialisation error what does the CreateMIDIInput and CreateMIDIOutput functions return? Do they return NULL if the creation fails? This is one of those things that logically thinking the answer is yes, but the web site daily wtf is not a joke and I've seen a lot in production environment during my years so due to the lack of documentation I want to verify this matter.

"Program to an interface not a class". When you document the function, or interface, you create a contract that it must follow which would also make the unit testing easier and more sensible.

CreateMIDIInput and CreateMIDIOutput return value in case of error

Slider at bottom of track screen

Note a big issue but just a little confusing. When moving the track slider (to expand and contract the track) moving the slider to the right for example should make the track bigger not smaller. Perhaps a choice option in preferences would be a good addition.

Other than that the prg is awesome. Love it.

Slider at bottom of track screen

Midi Notes are Sustaining

I've been recording simple organ keyboard parts & when playing back the midi parts the notes are sustaining longer than the actual note played. I'm using VST Dimension Pro from Cakewalk.
The instruments sound great & it's my go to VST for alot of instruments.
I've tried two different keyboards. An M-Audio Oxygen25 USB and a old Yamaha PSR-300 midi cable keyboard. The recording process works fine & the note values appear right after recording but as the song begins to play back all the notes are ringing together.

It's been happening for awhile now.

Anyone else experiencing this type of problem.

Midi Notes are Sustaining

Changing Track order in mixer vs arrangement?

Hello. I'm thinking of a way to change track order in arranger view to reverse, as upper track is always to the left in mixer. I use bass track in the left and upper voices in the rightin mixer and bass in the bottom and higher voices in the top (as a normal score would do), and current state is confusing me. One of the ways is to make separate group of tracks used exclusively for mixing (these tracks dont show up in score view), but its doubling track count + a lot of routing.
Whats your take on the issue? Esp. if you program midi and then record back.

Changing Track order in mixer vs arrangement?

SMPTE generator items only works consistently if glued to audio

My studio clock is set to 48 kHz. If I insert a timecode generator item, it shows the flag hinting that it's being re-sampled from 44.1 kHz.

Nonetheless, I've been able to successfully set up two pcs to sync via LTC. What I found is that the sync is only consistent over multiple start/stop transport passes if I glue the timecode generator item to audio. Else, random sync offsets occur on the slave pc from time to time when starting play back on the master pc (proved via coutless null-tests), especially, if playback is started from different time-line positions. I haven't been able to figure out what triggers the slave pc to sync with the random offset but if I glue the generator item, offset stays at a fixed value forever (which I can easily remedy for good by inserting "JS: time adjestment" into the main output of pc2).

Same phenomenon seems to be true for metronome items: I can only repeatedly null the two metronomes of two synced pcs for every playback start if the metronome items have been glued (and inter-pc audio latency has been compensated).

pc1: Reaper 5.23 x64, Win7 x64
pc2: Reaper 5.23 x86, Win7 x86
audio interconnection: Dante network

SMPTE generator items only works consistently if glued to audio

when saving a project reaper looses connection to the asio driver

well yeah , 100% sure this is a bug since it only happens when i save a project , but !not everytime! , id say 1 out of 6 times.

it never happens with the automatic backup in the background.

does reaper quickly switch/reset buffers or samplerate when its saving ? becasue i can only guess its something like that.

when saving a project reaper looses connection to the asio driver

Using MIDI_InsertEvt to insert a Note On automatically insert a (wrong) Note Off

I would like to use MIDI_InsertEvt to draw notes, by inserting the individual Note Ons and Note Offs one at a time.

However, when I try to insert a Note On, it seems as if REAPER automatically inserts a Note Off at the very next tick, resulting in a 1-tick note that cannot be changed by inserting a later Note Off.

When I try to insert a Note Off, it just disappears into thin air - unless it is inserted inside an existing note, in which case the note is shortened and its original Note Off disappears.

This strange behavior makes it impossible to copy items event-per-event, since all the notes end up as 1-tick midgets.

Is there a reason behind this behavior, or is it perhaps a bug?

Using MIDI_InsertEvt to insert a Note On automatically insert a (wrong) Note Off

Waves plugins not showing up? (1 day sale only plz help)

Hey guys, I'm trying to demo the Waves CLA Classic Compressors which are currently on sale for 1 day only. I already own the SSL4000 bundle and Element synth. I added the CLA Classic Compressors demo license to my license cloud, and used the Easy Install & Activate option and it appeared to work successfully but when I load REAPER I can't find the CLA compressors. And since Waves uses the Waveshell system instead of individual .dll's I can't really see if they got installed correctly or not.

Waves plugins not showing up? (1 day sale only plz help)

how to collape folders in mixer

I've just watched a routing tutorial * which shows a feature to collapse folder tracks in the mixer. In the video the folder tracks have a collapse icon while in my Reaper the onyl show the folder icon without any functionality.

Can I enable this icon? Or is it yet another SWS thingy that would be great if it were in Reaper by default?



how to collape folders in mixer

Stop Midi note input moving edit cursor

Hi There

Every time I click a Midi note it moves the edit cursor to that notes position. If I'm editing a bar of Midi and I want to listen back from the start of the bar I have to keep moving it back to the start of the bar for playback, literally driving me insane, I'd really appreciate any input to get this sorted.



Stop Midi note input moving edit cursor

Freeze track indicator

Would be great to have something like icon which indicates that track has freeze FX


Freeze track indicator

samedi 27 août 2016

Popping when using stretch markers

How is it going. So I'm just getting used to using stretch markers to fix timing issues in audio, and something I am noticing is there is pops at some of the stretch points. Only at the end points or where the markers actually are if you know what I mean. Any tips for using these? Also are there any good resource or trouble shooting guides for stretch markers?

Popping when using stretch markers

Unable to arm envelope auto on multiple tracks

Hi all,
Almost embarrassed to ask, this is such a basic question. I am an advanced DAW user generally, but this has me stumped in reaper.

Workflow: I have selected multiple tracks, and want to do the same thing across all these selected tracks. For example, arm and make visible the mute track envelope automation on multiple tracks at the same time. What is the key modifier selection to do this please? I have tried everything I can think of, including learning the basics of the SWS extensions, read manuals, youtube, google, this forum, user's websites - nothing. Thanks for any insights.

I am on Mac OS 10.11 with Reaper 5.23.

Unable to arm envelope auto on multiple tracks

Envelope Points destroyed when copy/pasting?

Hi all, made a capture of what's going on.

Notice the shape duplicates properly when tied to an empty clip.

Envelope Points destroyed when copy/pasting?

Help needed: Minor change to my modded midi note repeater

Hello JS Wizards...

I made some mods to a midi note repeater JS I found, but there's one mod I need and I can't figure it out...

Here's the code:


desc:MIDI Note Repeater
//tags: MIDI processing



slider2:60<0,127,1{0: C-1,1: C#/Db-1,2: D-1,3: D#/Eb-1,4: E-1,5: F-1,6: F#/Gb-1,7: G-1,8: G#/Ab-1,9: A-1,10: A#/Bb-1,11: B-1,12: C0,13: C#/Db0,14: D0,15: D#/Eb0,16: E0,17: F0,18: F#/Gb0,19: G0,20: G#/Ab0,21: A0,22: A#/Bb0,23: B0,24: C1,25: C#/Db1,26: D1,27: D#/Eb1,28: E1,29: F1,30: F#/Gb1,31: G1,32: G#/Ab1,33: A1,34: A#/Bb1,35: B1,36: C2,37: C#/Db2,38: D2,39: D#/Eb2,40: E2,41: F2,42: F#/Gb2,43: G2,44: G#/Ab2,45: A2,46: A#/Bb2,47: B2,48: C3,49: C#/Db3,50: D3,51: D#/Eb3,52: E3,53: F3,54: F#/Gb3,55: G3,56: G#/Ab3,57: A3,58: A#/Bb3,59: B3,60: C4,61: C#/Db4,62: D4,63: D#/Eb4,64: E4,65: F4,66: F#/Gb4,67: G4,68: G#/Ab4,69: A4,70: A#/Bb4,71: B4,72: C5,73: C#/Db5,74: D5,75: D#/Eb5,76: E5,77: F5,78: F#/Gb5,79: G5,80: G#/Ab5,81: A5,82: A#/Bb5,83: B5,84: C6,85: C#/Db6,86: D6,87: D#/Eb6,88: E6,89: F6,90: F#/Gb6,91: G6,92: G#/Ab6,93: A6,94: A#/Bb6,95: B6,96: C7,97: C#/Db7,98: D7,99: D#/Eb7,100: E7,101: F7,102: F#/Gb7,103: G7,104: G#/Ab7,105: A7,106: A#/Bb7,107: B7,108: C8,109: C#/Db8,110: D8,111: D#/Eb8,112: E8,113: F8,114: F#/Gb8,115: G8,116: G#/Ab8,117: A8,118: A#/Bb8,119: B8,120: C9,121: C#/Db9,122: D9,123: D#/Eb9,124: E9,125: F9,126: F#/Gb9,127: G9}>note
slider3:.0625<1,0,.001>Beat Quant
slider4:1<16,0,.001>Qtz'd Beat
slider5:1<1,16,1>Out Channel


note_slider = slider2 & 127;
beat_quant = slider3;
out_channel = (slider5 - 1) & 15;

div/beat_quant != floor(div/beat_quant) ? (

while(midirecv(ts,msg1,msg23)) (

while(note_slider==note) ? (
  (m == 9*16 && msg23>=256) ? (
    midisend(ts,9*16|out_channel,note+vel*256); // send note on
  ) : (m == 8*16 || m == 9*16) ? (
    status2[note]>0 ? (
      midisend(ts,8*16|out_channel,note); // send note off
  )) : (

inc = (samplesblock/srate*(tempo/60)*2/div);
  status[x]>=0.0 ?
    status[x] += inc;
    status[x] >= 1.0 ?
      status[x] -= 1.0;
        status2[x]>0.0 ? (
          midisend(0,9*16|out_channel,x - status2[x]*256);


It works well, but I can't figure out why it seems to send the MIDI note off message 1/2 way through the repeat period...

What I mean is, If I set the repeat to be 4 beats, it will indeed send a midi note on every 4 beats (i.e. once per measure in 4/4 time). The issue is that it sends the MIDI note off message 1/2 way though, i.e. on "3".

I REALLY need this script to send a MIDI note off at the same time (well, actually just before obviously) that it plays the new repeated note.

Visually, here's how it works now:


Beat 1.1-Note On
Beat 2.1-Nothing
Beat 3.1-Note Off
Beat 4.1-Nothing

Beat 1.2-Note On
Beat 2.2-Nothing
Beat 3.2-Note Off
Beat 4.2-Nothing

Here's how I need/want it to work:


Beat 1.1-Note On
Beat 2.1-Nothing
Beat 3.1-Nothing
Beat 4.1-Nothing

Beat 1.2-Note Off + Note On
Beat 2.2-Nothing
Beat 3.2-Nothing
Beat 4.2-Nothing

I've tried fiddling with all the places it's sending note info, etc. but I can't get it to do it. I can't even figure out WHY it sends the note off 1/2 way through the repeat period...

Anybody got an idea?

Help needed: Minor change to my modded midi note repeater

Mixer Select Fx

In The Mixer When you have a large mix whit lots of Fx ,it is possible when we press in some fx that still highlighted ,to show which one are selected and where in the mixer !! Sorry for my English :)

Mixer Select Fx

How to set loop locators to the region of a clip?

Hi guys, sorry I am not very user guide guy.
How can I set the loop regions while I have a selected clip, chich lets say 2 bars, I want the loop region locators to automatically set to that. It is easy on some other DAWS but does Reaper has this function?
Thanks veryyy m u c h !!!!!!

How to set loop locators to the region of a clip?

Is there ANY way to organize plugin presets?

...Beyond just having them all listed as a lump?

No subfolders, or ANY type of categorization?

C'mon, there has to be something...and if there isn't...c'mon, Cockos! That is a much-needed feature!

Is there ANY way to organize plugin presets?

EZ Drummer Lite

Salut les zicos!

Il y a quelques années (mai 2013), Toontrack a proposé durant une période limitée, une version Lite d'EZ Drummer. Aujourd'hui, impossible de la trouver.

A tout hasard, quelqu'un aurait-il encore le fichier d'installation de cette version gratuite (rien d'illégal, merci) mais très limitée en terme de possibilités.

Merci beaucoup par avance!

EZ Drummer Lite

Oceansize - Trail Of Fire (Guitalele Cover)

Here's my try on one of Oceansize's rhythmically most complicated songs. I hope I could maintain some of the groove, despite the missing drums and having only a guitalele as an instrument available.

Also, it was quite challenging to make a multi-track recording again, since I'm only travelling with a stereo recorder and a laptop. It means that I would listen to the click or recorded tracks in REAPER and have no monitoring for the actual recording. That's why you see me with the headphones only on one ear most of the time :D

It was alright for tracking the guitalele parts. But, oh man, how I wished for some compression and reverb while recording vocals!

Oceansize - Trail Of Fire (Guitalele Cover)

Syncing Reaper

I have a Tascam 246, and I'm trying to sync Reaper to it so I can have it play some MIDI tracks along with the tape. I'm using a JL Cooper PPS-1 sync box.

I've striped track 4 (side A of a whole 60 minute tape) on the 246 with SMPTE and have the tape out of track 4 plugged into the "From Tape" input on the JLC. I have the JLC set to output MTC, and I have a MIDI cable running from the JLC's MIDI out to my interface's MIDI in.

I have Reaper set to external sync (by right clicking on the Play button and setting the options).

The good news is that Reaper is chasing the tape. But there are two annoying things:

1) When I start the tape on the 246 from the beginning, Reaper starts chasing at around 35 minutes.

2) I'm occasionally getting a popping or clicking sound from Reaper while it's chasing.

I'm wondering if #2 has to do with the time code maybe not being loud enough. I striped it at -10dB on the tape at the recommendation of the JLC manual, but maybe it needs to be a little louder.

With #1, it's not a deal breaker, because obviously I can just start recording my MIDI instruments 35 minutes in. It's just annoying. Does anyone know how I can adjust this so that Reaper sees the beginning of the time code on the tape as 0:00:00, or at least close to it?

Thanks for any help on this.

Syncing Reaper