lundi 29 août 2016

tube amp possible issue. help would be nice :)

Hey guys,

thanks for listening to my happy rants on how great it is playing through an ANALOG amp and an ANALOG guitar for once ;)

now, here comes the inevitable problem thread.

last night, something was cutting out after a long day of performing outside. It was either my guitar or my amp -

it seriously just cut out - wasn't a cable as far as I can tell, esp cause I used two different ones, and even bypassed the amp...

I am not sure what caused it, but it could be bad pots on the guitar too, I am dealing with some old hardware there.

one thing I got concerned with is it seemed on my hotrod, the sound would get kinda fuzzy or dirty even at "3" - not that far up...

kinda hard to get a nice clean tone out of it at decent volumes. Maybe that's the fact that it's only one speaker.

could it need new tubes?

should it break up that easily?

any advice would be appreciated :)

tube amp possible issue. help would be nice :)

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