mardi 30 août 2016

Render resample solo bug (sort of)

Here's a particular thing I found.
I wanted to render some tracks from a session. I soloed tracks I wanted to render, and in the render settings I set resampling (I will work in a different sample rate than initial settings).
So my setting for render was "master mix" (I am aware of stem rendering but in this case I needed to solo few tracks at a time -- a blend of multiple mics of a guitar amp). I used render queue to set up several mixdowns.
And what I found is that the rendering was incredibly slow. Now, my PC is quite fast (latest six core i7) so I looked deeper, and what I found was that the logic of soloing things when resampling is as follows:
Resample all tracks then solo.
If I copy tracks I soloed into a blank session the render is MUCH faster.
I don't think technically it is a bug, but it's just that the CPU resources are not used efficiently in this case.
Now, if I MUTE all the other tracks instead of soloing tracks I need, it all goes much faster again.

Render resample solo bug (sort of)

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