samedi 1 octobre 2016

First midi note playback problem


Recently I've noticed a problem with the first midi note. If I play midi item from the very start, it eats/distorts the first note. For example, if I use Zebra, Reaper distorts the first note. Other instruments don't play it at all. Replacing the customized Reaper.ini with a default file solve the problem, but it would bring a lot of time to configure all the preferences(not only in Preferences menu). Here is my Reaper.ini file: . Could someone help me to solve it? Btw, when I freeze/render the item, it sounds as expected. The problem occurs with playback only.

P.S. When I click 'Go to start of project' transport button, the item/playback is looped or the item plays a bit later after playback starts, the note is heard.

First midi note playback problem

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