dimanche 2 octobre 2016

Actions Autodetect Key Shortcut Isn't Picking up Midi Controller Input

Setup: Windows 10, Akai MPK49

So I'm pretty new to all of this so it could be I just don't have something enabled somewhere but basically here's the deal:

I'm trying to set the transport: play action to trigger when I press the play key on my midi keyboard, but whenever I go to "actions>transport: play>add" and press the play button on the keyboard it doesn't register a key was pressed. It will however play notes just fine. I have the input set to enabled+control and output set to enable+clock. There is another two inputs labelled MIDIIN2 (Akai MPK49) and MIDIIN3 (Akai MPK49) as well as another output. However these are both disabled, and they show an error message whenever I try enabling them.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Actions Autodetect Key Shortcut Isn't Picking up Midi Controller Input

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