lundi 3 octobre 2016

MarkerList reports region length incorrectly when project start time has been changed


When exporting from the Markerlist the reported length of each region is showing incorrectly whenever the Project Start Time has been set to anything that's not 0:00:00:00

I can provide more info if needed, but this seems sufficient. Please feel free to ask.


MarkerList reports region length incorrectly when project start time has been changed

v5.26pre7 - October 3 2016

v5.26pre7 - October 3 2016
+ Notation: fix duplicate notation events when editing after glue [p=1736942]
# Undo: fix undo point adding for MIDI tempo map import [p=1737692]

v5.26pre7 - October 3 2016

new to OSC, problems with two values when hitting a Pad

As I'm looking for workarounds for the latency introduced, when controlling actions via midi I want to try OSC... I have a Quneo & use it with QuneOSC bridge & I got the actions started... BUT when touching the button it starts, when leaving the button it starts again, so 2 values are send & the action is executed twice...

Any Experiences with Quneo & automation of actions, or does anybody have an idea, how I can avoid the second command when releasing the button?


new to OSC, problems with two values when hitting a Pad

Before reporting a bug, stop all scripts.

I was thinking this should be included in the sticky post or mentioned somewhere. With the ever increasing popularity of "scripts extensions", now this is more relevant:

Before reporting a bug, make sure you are not running any script.

I know many scripts are only used for some time and then you close them or they do something and the terminate. That's not generally problematic. But some, like my script Track Inspector, are designed to be docked and run there the entire session with you. They constantly do things in the background, and this gives you new functionalities, which also means that you use more CPU of course, but also new bugs can happen.
I would feel bad if a bug is caused by some of my scripts for example, and it make Devs to lose time on reading a report that is not for them, or even worse, making them trying to duplicate the issue.

This post was inspired by the latest reports on the pre threads about some performance degradation when using undo. And I was in panic for a moment thinking it maybe was my script which does some things when undoing.

So please be aware about scripts before reporting bugs. And if the bug is caused by the script, it should be mentioned clearly. That's all. Thanks! :)

Before reporting a bug, stop all scripts.

Auto-Numerate new Items ?

Hey. Is there around way to create AUTO-numeration for items like #1, #2, #3 when created is item with same name ?


Item with name "untilted MIDI item" exist in arrange.

After use this auto-numeration thing new midi item or copy of it with same name should appear in project and get tag "untilted MIDI item #1".

If in arrange exist "untilted MIDI item #1" so new "untilted MIDI item" after use this auto-numeration should be renamed to "untilted MIDI item #2"

Auto-Numerate new Items ?

Comptines déjantées

Voilà, ça vient de sortir, fait avec Reaper et ma DB50XG toujours fidèle au poste malgré son grand âge ... :)

Comptines déjantées

Quick question about using a Figure-8 mic for mid-side recording


I am recording an acoustic guitar using the M/S technique.
Since the mic records from both sides, should I record figure-8 mic as a stereo track?



Quick question about using a Figure-8 mic for mid-side recording

tempo mapping next step

hi ,Tempo mapping ive been trying to master this for a long time now i think ive got it ,but ive come up with another problem how do i save the song thats been tempo mapped .If i start a new project how do i import the song thats been mapped to play at the tempo its been mapped to .Im not talking about an existing project im talking about starting a new project and importing that song in so when i hit play its all in time . hope this makes sense .

tempo mapping next step

Large transport buttons


I'm setting up Reaper at a spot where absolute newcomers without prior experience in DAW's should be able to record VO by themselves. So I basically want to make it as simple as possible, and pretty much just have one large REC button and one large PLAY button, and one for rec arm.

Any suggestions how to do this? I have found no way to make the transport bigger, or to make very large buttons.

Thanks in advance

Large transport buttons

faderport 8

Hi...a two part questionif if may:

1: anyone using the Presonus faderport 8 with Reaper?...anything to report?

2: i am just about up to speed with using Reaper for recording and basic editing and production. i have no knowledge of MIDI. what should a sperson like me.....a bit old and lets daughters programme the video if i can't find anything nice on the wireless!......what should i be checking and researching before i buy the presonus which as it & it's ad' appeared in my email box...seemed the answer to my prayers/dreams....i like fingers hovering over faders and mixing with a live feel sort of thing and trying to get a little distance between wanting to adjust something but having to stop the flow to do the adjustment....a small space of time but it does cut into the groove sometimes..

any advice + or - welcomed


faderport 8

Reatreaving Group Names


For a script I'm writing I need to get the goup names (track groups). I didn't see any API function that does this... Any Idea how this could be done? preferably with eel.

Thanks for any suggestions!


Reatreaving Group Names

media explorer - change rate instead of pitch

Hey everyone! I have started using the media explorer and I am realizing that it is pretty powerful. For sound design purposes there is one thing that I am missing, could of course be that it is possible and I am just not understanding how to do it.

When previewing a sound you can of course change the pitch with the pitch knob. What that does is the sort of "time-stretch-pitch" that doesn't change the speed of the sound, just the pitch. I would very much like to be able to do "classic" pitching, that is changing speed and pitch, , in reaper terms, changing playback rate with "preserve pitch when changing rate" unchecked.

media explorer - change rate instead of pitch

Buying a MIDI keyboard / controller

I want to get a keyboard to improve my keyboard skills on, and write some music.

As an ex-Maschine user, I was all set on just buying the latest NI keyboard but saw a lot of reviews saying it basically wasn't worth the extra money for the flashing lights, integration with Komplete etc (I don't own Komplete).

So I ended up down the clickhole of reviews and compared pretty much every 49-key controller on the market! And now I don't know what to get. Tempted to just go for a cheapo Oxygen49 as at least it's low commitment! I'm also still really pissed off with M-Audio for their crappy driver support - they failed to keep my Fastrack Ultra updated to work with OSX, total hassle. I was looking at Novation stuff, but I never did like their Automap stuff much and the Incontrol version doesn't sound much better.

Main things I'd like - pitch / mod separate, or at least without a 'spring' in them. Some good faders / pot controllers for synths, that do some kind of 'auto' connection to synths like Diva, so I don't have to muck around MIDI mapping every time I open a VST.

A 'good enough' keyboard (I'm no player, synth / semi-weighted will do fine - but it should at least respond accurately to velocity).

Any tips welcome! Only caveat is I'm in Japan right now so some stuff is not readily available it seems!

Buying a MIDI keyboard / controller

Any way to lock MIDI notes?

Can't seem to find how to do this...

When moving individual notes to a different pitch in the piano roll, is there a way to prevent accidental left or right movement - similar to 'locking items'?

Thanks guys!

Any way to lock MIDI notes?

dimanche 2 octobre 2016

Auto-mute Problems

To start off, I'm very sensitive to loud noises, so I know when something is blasting. Also, I keep my Surface Pro Audio relatively low (below 30 percent) which may be part of the problem.

In any case...I've got 40 tracks going and I want Omnisphere to bust through the mix, specifically in a low-end part. I'm using earbuds, and I know when something hurts, and this definitely is not hurting me...but when I crank the volume, it always shuts off.

I know nothing about engineering...very little about the science of audio...I DO know when something is too loud to be healthy, and that's definitely not the case here.

How do I keep Reaper from shutting me down (without making myself deaf)?

Grazi, multo beni! :D

Auto-mute Problems

Toolbar button with state

I have a toggle state(custom, uses ExtState to store the state and the button will toggle that state using a script) that I would like to tie to a toolbar button.

e.g., toggled off show one icon and if toggled on show a different icon. Sort of like how reapers toolbar icons work. (like snap, metronome, etc)

Is this possible?

Toolbar button with state

Actions Autodetect Key Shortcut Isn't Picking up Midi Controller Input

Setup: Windows 10, Akai MPK49

So I'm pretty new to all of this so it could be I just don't have something enabled somewhere but basically here's the deal:

I'm trying to set the transport: play action to trigger when I press the play key on my midi keyboard, but whenever I go to "actions>transport: play>add" and press the play button on the keyboard it doesn't register a key was pressed. It will however play notes just fine. I have the input set to enabled+control and output set to enable+clock. There is another two inputs labelled MIDIIN2 (Akai MPK49) and MIDIIN3 (Akai MPK49) as well as another output. However these are both disabled, and they show an error message whenever I try enabling them.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Actions Autodetect Key Shortcut Isn't Picking up Midi Controller Input

Markers set to absolute time

Good evening friends:

How can I enter markers that will stay locked to absolute time within a project, and won't shift whenever I enter a tempo / time signature change?


Markers set to absolute time

tone matching eq's and IRs

I remember an ancient product called Free Filter that could steal eq curves from amterial. It seems like Ozone can do this now. Anything free and good for this? What about something that can make an IR from an EQ?

tone matching eq's and IRs

How to move a selection to new project

I have a 3 hour live recording with 2 tracks, guitar and vocal. I need to cut each song out of that and put each of them in new projects of their own to process and ready for creating a CD. I've spent all day looking at tutorials and reading forums and I give up...can't figure out how to do it. I know it's probably simple *face palm*, but please advise :)

How to move a selection to new project

Reaper Projekte weg?

Ich habe alle .wav dateien (die die man mit dem media player öffnet und auch die mit dem reaper zeichen) auf eine externe Festplatte verschoben.

Jetzt sind aber meine ganzen Projekte in Reaper verschwunden und auch sonst nirgends zu finden.

Ich habe gehofft das ich die fehlenden Dateien der Projekte einfach importieren kann wie es sonst auch immer war.

Gibt es eine Möglichkeit meine Projekte wieder herzustellen?

Reaper Projekte weg?

Midi connecting and latency problems

Testing Reaper for the first time and very impressed. However I have some problems. The midi won't work. When I connect my E-drums to USB the Reaper shows it, so I select it but the drums still won't work.
Also have a latency problem even when I'm just clicking on plugin's own keyboard.
Seems to me these two problems might be connected in some way but I can't figure out what to do.
I've set it up exactly as my other DAW using Asio, which works perfectly.
The Reaper should work the same but it doesn't and I feel I must be missing something somewhere in it's settings. I've tried every setting in the audio/midi prefs but it's same.
I did install it "portable" not sure if that could make any difference. Thanks

Midi connecting and latency problems

Super 8 won't do "Add to project" when it's not visible.

Super8 records & plays back when it's hidden (but MIDI controlled), but it won't do "Add to project" when it is not visible.

Super 8 won't do "Add to project" when it's not visible.

How do I Auto Deselect Previously Placed Midi Nodes?

I set my left click mouse modifier to insert a note... simple. I left click once and the node shows up selected in that particular location. I would do it again in a different spot and it would deselect the previous node and the node I just created would be selected. With the update, when I click to insert a second node the previous node is still selected.

How do I automatically deselect the previously placed node when inserting a new node?

How do I Auto Deselect Previously Placed Midi Nodes?

"One MIDI Editor per Project" not working. HELP

I don't understand what i've done wrong.

I'm trying to see multiple parts in the same midi editor. It's just not working. Kenny's videos are great but, I'm not getting it to work.

"One MIDI Editor per Project" + "Open all selected MIDI items"

I'm baffled. Any help?

"One MIDI Editor per Project" not working. HELP

"Create measure from time selection" - total confusion.

Dear Reapers,

Struggling here with an issue..

Perfectly cut 2 bar audio item, perfectly aligned at the beginning of a bar.(lets say bar 9)
This audio item is in Reaper cut out of an mp3 song.

- I set time selection around this item.
- I run action "Create measure from time selection (new time signature).
I fill in 2 bars in the dialog window and apply the action.


The audio item has tempo markers placed at start and end of item, with the correct tempo values.
However: the audio item is moved in time, it didn't stick at the beginning of bar 9.

Now i would swear this shifting in time never happened to me when applying the create measure action.
I fiddled around with timebase settings for items and also for tempo envelope: no succes.

The only way i found out to not have the audio item shifted is to delete the very first tempo marker at the beginning of a Project (120 bpm tempo marker), before applying the create measure action.

But then again, in the past i never had to this first.

My gut says this is some kind of bug introduced in latest version of Reaper but i am not sure so i post this issue in this forum section first.

I use the create measure action alot so any help highly appreciated !

OSX 10.11.6
Reaper 5.26pre6 - 64bit.

"Create measure from time selection" - total confusion.

Humanize CC

So sometimes when I draw in CC data, I end up with some straight lines, and I'd rather they were a bit bumpy.

Could we add a CC humanize feature, so that my cc11 time selection could be 10% randomized, the same way velocity is?

Humanize CC

Reverb after delay (confused about sends)

Hi. Simple question. How would I go about adding a slap-back delay to a track and then putting reverb over the combined result of that? If I make a send for delay and then a send for reverb, then I imagine only the original data would get reverberated and the echo from the slapback would not get reverberated? Is that correct?

And If I'm already on this topic, I would love if someone could clarify something about sends... If I'm sending a track to a reverb, and I bring down the fader of the send, let's say 50%, then the end result on the master track is
A) 50% original recording + what I get from the reverb (reverberated remaining 50%)?
B) 100% original recording (same volume) + what I get from the reverb (reverberated 50% that I sent)

and if the answer is A, if I have two sends and send 30% to both, does that leave me with 40% or 70% of the original track's volume?

Thanks. I hope this makes sense.

Reverb after delay (confused about sends)

Lock/isolate velocity map for certain midi notes in midi editor

I was wondering if there was a way to isolate or bring to the forefront (or what have you)only a certain batch of midi notes to be able to draw/edit on the velocity map for only those notes? For example, in a complex drum map only work with only one of the drums at a time. It gets pretty crazy with all of that overlapping, and I have yet to find a way to draw a curve that won't affect all the other drums on the map.

Lock/isolate velocity map for certain midi notes in midi editor

Why does the cursor disappear in the window under the track?

Is that normal? I don't think so. I have been experimenting with some different themes and I've noticed that with some themes when I move my mouse over to the pane where the track is that large area under the track itself, instead of seeing the I pointer, there is nothing.

Does that mean there is something wrong with the theme?

Why does the cursor disappear in the window under the track?

Staff spacing in Midi notation view

Anyone know how can adjust the spacing between staves for the notation view?

E.G. on staff has a ton of ledge-lines underneath, so I'd like to make the staff below it a bit lower.

Staff spacing in Midi notation view


Je souhaiterai que le mixeur s'ouvre TOUJOURS en une seule rangé... ça m'enneeeeerve

Comment on fait pour avoir un truc par défaut personnalisé ?


OSC fx preset change

What command used in ***.reaperosc file to change the standard reaper presets?

I tried to use FX_PRESET / FX_PREV_PRESET / FX_NEXT_PRESET but it did not produce a result.

I know that you can assign OSC command to the reaper action "Trigger next/previous preset for FX# of selected track".

I use TouchOSC for android and TouchOSC Editor (windows) for make layouts.

OSC fx preset change

Issue (sometimes) Monitoring a Track

Hi, using reaper I output my voice through vb cable to OBS. It had it working the other day, but I must have changed something without realizing.

After arming the track, then turning on monitor output and talking into the mic I see no movement on the master track. I am a noob at this stuff, but one thing I've learned is that if I see no movement on the master tracks volume bars then there is nothing being output through vb cable.

So could someone help me troubleshoot this please? It does work, I've had it working.

My audio settings are like so:

Attaching it went weird so I copied a link from another post.


Edit: I still need help, but I've figured out what is causing this. I'm using a plugin called TriLeveler (compressor+gate), when my audio output is set to my speakers, the plugin works fine (I'm only using the default preset), but when I switch over to output through vb cable, trileveler seems to prevent all sound. If I disable it, the sound comes on.

How could trileveler be causing silence when outputting through vb cable? Outputting through my speakers does prove that the plugin works fine. I'm at a loss here ;(

Issue (sometimes) Monitoring a Track

reaper entirely resets midi configuration if interface unplugged

Hi all,
Something that I absolutely hate about Reaper so far after 1 year of usage:

I have a USB Midiman 4x4 interface. If I accidentally load Reaper when the interface is not connected, I get a complete reset of the MIDI input/output routings. When I re-open Reaper with the MIDI interface connected and open any project or template file, the MIDI routing for every channel switches to "Input: MIDI (not connected): All channels"
and the MIDI output switches to "<no output>" Also for some odd reason, and this is probably the root of the problem, the MIDI Hardware settings has changed the name of the Midiman i/o to "2- MIDISPORT 4x4 In A" etc.

This occurs in ALL my template files and ALL Reaper projects!!! I have to completely redo the MIDI routing for every track in every project. It is frustration beyond imagine.

Ok NEVERMIND. It turns out this problem occurs when I plug the MIDI interface into a different USB port than the one it's normally configured for. When I plug the interface into the "normal" USB port all the correct channel configs are set. That is completely stupid. Is there a reason why this behavior would be a good thing? If not, can this be fixed?

reaper entirely resets midi configuration if interface unplugged

Multi-out to exitsting tracks

Hello Reaperusers,

I just finished my Reapertemplate with 32 tracks, all configured with reaEQ and Reacomp and all midilearned to my midicontroller BCR2000.

It works great but when I load a vsti with multiple outputs it adds those outputs as extra tracks. Is there a possibility to send them directly to the already available empty tracks in my template?

Multi-out to exitsting tracks

"Set volume for track..." No pop-up window !

Hi everyone,

I'd like to map MIDI CC on tracks volume faders; I think I already used it in the past, but when tying to do it today, it doesn't work anymore.

All actions "set volume for track #..." and "Set volume for selected track" don't open the "Keyboard/MIDI/OSC Input" window, so I can't choose/learn the CC number. In the same time, the fader automatically jumps to -11,4dB value (as it received a MIDI CC value 34).

I searched quite a lot in the preferences and on the forums, but I can't make it work again.

Some ideas ?



"Set volume for track..." No pop-up window !

If I want to work without PDC then...

then I'll just have to adjust timing of midi tracks and I'll be good to go - am I getting it right?


If I want to work without PDC then...

Applying FX / Rendering whilst maintaining splits

Hi there,

I'm working on a voiceover edit at the moment, and it has many splits in it. I was just wondering whether it would be possible, to apply processing (for example, de click etc) whilst still maintaining the splits, so that I am able to move them still, but with the fx printed on to them.

I'm sure there's a way to do it in Reaper, but my brains being slow today!

Any advice would be well appreciated!


Applying FX / Rendering whilst maintaining splits

Playback rate/Take properties Issue

Hi all

I have just had this odd thing happening in 2 different projects over the last week. Basically when importing or playing back a file from the media browser (or dragging it to the timeline) the audio sounds either faster or slower just for that particular item.
After looking into the Media Item Properties for the files in question (in Reaper 4.7 - by the way, where is the Take Properties info on version 5??!!) I can see the play rate is not 1, but faster or slower by a random amount.

This seems to happen randomly to some files but not others. When I play those files in another DAW, they are ok, so it seems that Reaper is somehow changing the play rate for those items internally, but not for the whole project, just for those files! Is there a key shortcut or something I might be pressing by mistake that produces this?
I am very confused...
Many thanks

Playback rate/Take properties Issue

Reaper w/remote I/O, local GUI and processing?

Can Reaper be setup to keep the mixing, GUI and effect processing local on a beefy, capable computer while using a 'slave' computer running a remote instance to interface with audio hardware?

I have an i7 with gobs of RAM that I would love to be my main Reaper computer, but I have a favorite 8in/8out audio card that is PCI only. The big computer only has PCIe slots.

If I can use both, keeping the setup responsive and stable, that wold be the cat's ass!


Reaper w/remote I/O, local GUI and processing?

Add electric guitar track

Can someone add electric guitar(live) to my demo
Sry for my ugly English
Thanks in advance

Add electric guitar track

Video issues - .avi and .mov

I don't usually use REAPER for video apart from the VERY useful way it can be used in getting down guitar parts (see and hear the player and slow it down- magic!)

But I recently tried to play a captured video in REAPER. It was an uncompressed avi. It loaded and the audio was fine but the video window was blank.

I tried converting it in AVC to Quicktime. That resulted in nothing but a short OFFLINE item on the timeline.

Both videos play just fine in media player. I am on Win 10 BTW. I can of course get the job done without REAPER but I am sorry this didn't work and would appreciate any help.

Video issues - .avi and .mov

Anyone here have experience using Kontakt 5 in Reaper, particularly with Big Mono?

Topic: I've never used Kontakt before whether free or otherwise. All the tutorials seem to be for the paid version. I'm not seeing where to load samples, how to route instruments through Reaper tracks, etc. Can someone please point me in the right direction of how this is done - either through a tutorial or you're own know-how - and artciularly as it relates to using the Big Mono free drum kit. Thanks~! :cool:

Anyone here have experience using Kontakt 5 in Reaper, particularly with Big Mono?

Con Tact !

Argh ! Si j'avais des cheveux je me les arracherais.

Avec Omnisphere, je crée sans problème un track template :

1 piste avec le VSTi Omnisphere, qui envoie de l'audio sur 8 pistes stéréo.
8 pistes stéréo qui envoient chacune du midi dans la piste 1.

Avec l'option "Feedback autorisé", ça marche bien. (au passage si vous faites différemment je veux bien savoir comment)

Quand j'essaie de faire pareil avec Kontakt, ça marche pô !

Pourtant j'ai bien configuré les outputs de kontakt dans celui-ci, et quand, dans kontakt, je mets un patch dans, disons, la 8ème sortie stéréo, alors ça marche.

Cependant je n'arrive pas a balancer du midi dans kontakt, autrement que par la piste qui le contient : un send midi d'une autre piste ne semble pas marcher.

Quand je prends mon track template omnisphere et que je remplace le vsti omnisphere par un kontakt 8 stéréo out, ça ne marche pas non plus.

Pouvez-vous m'aider ?



Con Tact !

Midi timing when controlling Actions

Somehow the midi timing when controlling actions (I can only talk about Windows, no idea if it's different on MAC) is worse than the timing when using keystrokes, so something must be wrong there.

I read about it the first time in a thread about live looping, but I cannot find it anymore, the author suggested using MIDI 2 keystroke program, to improve Reapers controll timing... hey, this is years ago, this can't be true... Reaper is so mighty, it's such a waste of time & reliability recources to use another program just to convert MIDI into keystrokes for Reaper better responding... This MUST be possible within reaper!!!!

Think of midi controlled TAP function and other Transport Actions. They should have the best midi latency as possible!

I'm looking for various workarounds, but in the end this is an important topic as it defines a basic quality of reaper handling...

This is, how it looks like with livelooping for now (you can hear the latency after the first loop; in a DJ setup this wouldn't work):

Midi timing when controlling Actions

Is it possible to build midicontrolled 'actions' in JSFX ?

As the midi controlling of actions has some latency (latency is higher compared to using keystrokes) (I'd post some experiments to prove, but it's quite obvious), I wonder if it is possible to build something like midicontrolled actiongenerator in JSFX, because the midi timing in JSFX seems to be good.

I think of timing-relevant actions like Tempo-Tap, Start/Stop/Record, Jumping to positions...

In the longterm it seems, that I have to learn much more about reapers insides, but for now it's simply too much for me, although I'm a quite mathmatical head and made lots of scripting things allready, but not in reaper.



Is it possible to build midicontrolled 'actions' in JSFX ?

Acustica plugins not working

anyone having problems with acustica plugins in reaper?

i can install them but they are not working any clues how i fix this?

No problems with any other plugins just Acustica,tried installing red eq but it isn't working

Acustica plugins not working

samedi 1 octobre 2016

Self created Video for a new original

So the song was created in reaper. The video was created using my samsung phone and Lightworks. I hope you enjoy, as it was alot of fun. The song will be included on my next CD, due out later this year.

Thanks and let me know what you think.

Self created Video for a new original

Mixed in 24 hours...

recorded at my studio over the summer but they suddenly needed it mixed.

I did my best, and now it's done. It is what it is.


Mixed in 24 hours...

Turning Reaper into a Pattern-Based Sequencer

The other week there was a thread about pattern based DAW's vs Reaper and how much more convenient writing is in a pattern based environment. I migrated from FL recently and miss that quick and easily iterated writing workflow so I decided to try to make it work in Reaper. It's taken a few weeks of fiddling to get it to work properly, here are the results so far:

I use empty MIDI items as the Pattern Clips. For name visibility I like to put one of X-Raym's text items underneath the empty MIDI item.

Since the items need to be in a group under the pattern clip, I use a custom action "Group Pattern Clip" to make this faster.

Here I'm grouping and copying two drum patterns out to make an arrangement:

That "Group Pattern Clip" custom action is as follows:

The real star of the show, custom action "Propagate Pattern Clip", uses the markers as navigation points so you have to save your marker set before using and restore it afterwards.

In this gif you can see I've made some changes to my two patterns and am propagating these changes to all subsequent patterns that share the same name.

And here's the custom action for that:

Now you can see why the gif shows such a low FPS...

Turning Reaper into a Pattern-Based Sequencer

Difference between Item and Take?!?

That's it really, the question is in the subject.
I just don't get it, it seems to be often misused in articles and tutorials here and there to the point where I can't make out what really is a Take and what is an Item and the difference between them??

Any help please? Thx!

Difference between Item and Take?!?

Funk Valley

Hi everyone.
this is my first production using Reaper.I started on a learner DAW and Changed over recently, its has taken me a month to get a handle on just the basics, but I think Reaper is well worth putting some time in.

this is also the my first fusion piece, any feed back on the mix would be great.


Funk Valley

How to jump to next marker without a silence?

Hi, sometimes (in my windows computer) I did some "jump to next marker" without any cut (silence) in audio. Today I'm using Reaper in a MAC and when I jump to next marker (with a shortcut) I alwasy get a cut in the audio. Is there any Preferences setting or specific action that reduces the time Reaper takes to make the jump (any pre-buffering of the audio file)?

How to jump to next marker without a silence?

One song two productions

Howdy all!

So ,I wrote this number on acoustic to impress a lady..and it did the trick no I recorded it live with just the electric,for posterity. I dont have a second mic so couldnt really make it work with the acoustic.
But I liked how it came out anyway..

But then I was rocking round the place humming a rock n roll version...the sound of the strat really got me I thought wtf..just make it!

Strats are amazing studio guitars.The best I reckon!

One song two productions

Change Transport Image

I've edited preexisting images in the Color Theme folder for the transport icons, however I'm not seeing any change in my window. Is there any other step I have to take to see the updated image? I'm just trying to get different colors for all the images I can't tweak in theme tweaks. I've refreshed themes. Thank you!

Change Transport Image

slow performance and crashes since 5.2

Hi, first post on here. sorry if I should've posted somewhere else or if there's already a thread about this.

Basically since version 5.2 Reaper's performance has slowly gotten worse and worse. As in the same session would start seeing me run out of CPU. At first it wasn't a major problem. But then I would start getting a hang on loading a project. It would get to 'Project loading complete' and just freeze requiring a force quit (I'm on Mac).

So I started opening all my projects in rescue mode with all the FX offline, then selecting all the tracks and toggling FX offline/online. That seemed to work fine and I just accepted the work around thinking I could sort it out when I finished this project. But then even this stopped working. I had to toggle FX online a few tracks at a time and even then somtimes it would hang when doing that. I tried doing save as and removing any plugins I suspected might be causing the problem, only to find that other tracks would then cause the hang. I couldn't narrow it down to a plugin or even too many instances of a plugin.

If I go back to versions of Reaper pre version 5.2 everything runs smoothly and I have plenty of CPU left, whereas I was maxed out before. The problem is that a lot of the work I've done since version 5.2 is corrupted, sections of the arrangement are in the wrong place etc.

I've now been forced to port all my sessions over to Logic as I fear there may come a point where I cannot recover my work.

I'm on a retina MBP 2012. Tried updating to 10.10.5 from 10.9 no change. Tried repairing permissions etc.

Does anyone know if there were performance 'upgrades' that came with 5.2 and if they can be reversed without screwing up my sessions?



slow performance and crashes since 5.2

How to display Controller midi CC values to track takes


I've recorded a midi track with my synth (playing notes ans using mouse wheel).
The Reaper midi item has been added to my track, and for correct the mousewheel cc values, I would like to display them into the Takes (like Volume or Pan takes).
My goal it's to draw the CC easyly from takes area (drawing points).

Is it possible ? how would you do that please ?


How to display Controller midi CC values to track takes


been using this theme for some time luv it but i have some problems with it

how can i contact the theme maker ALBERT?


How's the video editor these days?

I tried using Reaper for video editing about a year ago and I just couldn't get any results despite having a good go at it and threads here - the rendered thing always had the wrong aspect ratio so everyone was tall and skinny or little and squashed or whatever. Also it seemed to require a lot of downloading stuff and fiddling about to get it to work. I want it to be like Reaper audio....just brilliant and intuitive from the off. I love the idea of using Reaper - audio plug ins, same editing commands it a bit easier to use now?

How's the video editor these days?

50€ donation for the one who manipulates Super8 for my needs :-)!

O.K. I think Reaper has the potential to become a mighty mighty Live-Looping Solution.

I'm loosing too much sleep right now trying to achieve what I want, but without 100% Success. So maybe someone out there hears my desperate callings!?

Since a long time I try to create Live Music with Reaper playing various Instruments & using a footswitch.
Finally I got it right, that I can work for myself with the solution, when I make music for a dancing jam, when I play my loops & build a songstructure in realtime, just with my feet.

But now I tasted some blood... & met a DJ friend & while jamming I recognized that the timing of the actions/scripts controlled via midi is bad. It's unreliable & I think I tried everything.

Now I found that SUPER8 does NOT SUFFER from timing-problems when controlling it via midi.

So my idea is:

I want to use ONE Midi Button for the first loop I generate in Reaper. So I play lets say mouthpercussion and
- 1st hit the Button (I managed to build a nice cycle action for that) to set the startpoint of the loop (in my version it's allready recording and sets the start of the time selection). The
- 2nd time I hit the button it sets the Time-selection end
- 3rd time I hit the button it starts the loop from beginning, calculates the Project Tempo, cuts the recording to the time selection and sets it at the Start of a measure...

It is working nicely, but not for looping while someone plays a DJ set. Timing issues (not human caused, of course not every hit on the button is in time, but with a bit of practice there remains an unpredictable latency caused by reaper) make it impossible to jam with a DJ.

So this procedure could be completely done inside Super8, could it?

- I'd like to have the possibility to record mono or stereo.
- No Overdubs necessary
- All controlling has to be inside JS, to have a good timing, so:
- Starting playing the project, setting timeselection, calculating tempo, putting item on measurestart... has to be done (like in Super8) in JS... & until that point with kind of a cycle action. After that I would use other buttons for creating tracks etc, but the first loop should be done with just one butting hit several times...

After the first loop is inside the arrangement anything further can be done via actions. Timing doesn't matter when you have one correct basis loop and just start recording, doubling, jamming, ... whatever on other tracks while the loop is playing.

So many words...

Is there anybody out there who understands what my aim is?

thanks for reading...


50€ donation for the one who manipulates Super8 for my needs :-)!

Signal Chain Question

I'm wondering what other people do in this area. When I record bass, for example, I tend to go direct into my interface and then add FX through plug-ins later (unless I am using my Big Muff or Memory Man, even then I may compress or EQ later). Is there an advantage to setting the signal chain first and then recording the bass part (or guitar, vox, drums, etc.)?

With guitar I will mic the amp, use outboard FX, but still may tweak the sound a bit later using plug-ins. So in this instance, again, is there an advantage to setting the sound in advance before recording?


Signal Chain Question

Problems with recording in Reaper

Just a quick list of my devices I'm using:
-Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface new generation
-Blue Bluebird condenser mic
-Reaper (obviously)

So recently, my microphone suddenly started working properly in reaper. Whenever I armed the track to record, the microphone would still pick up sound as it is designed to, but then there's this interference that makes the audio worse. I'm also not really sure if it's the same kind of interference that has been talked about on other forums. The best way I can describe it is that it's like the sound of helicopter blades cutting through air at a lesser extent.

When I thought it was the microphone, I took it to guitar center, and when they tested it, it was perfectly fine. So, I told them that my DAW was Reaper, and they told me to change some settings, and if it didn't work, then the problem was with the audio interface's phantom power.

When I got home, I thought to try listening to what the mic is recording through the interface through the direct monitor feature. It was perfectly fine. I also thought to download Audacity as a test for the interface and the mic. There, the sound was also completely fine.

So now, I know the problem is with Reaper. Currently, I'm trying to test turning on and off different settings in Reaper to see if anything will work.

Does anyone have any suggestions for what I should do in Reaper to fix this problem? Thanks a lot.

Problems with recording in Reaper

Dynamic FX Parameter Selection for MIDI Controller


i'm working on a selfmade, arduino-based Midi-Controller for reaper including track control like volume/solo/mute, maybe volume fader. But for me it's more important to implement control elements for VST effects likemfor example ReaEQ. I don't want to use the Midi-Learn function because there i just can select parameters for a specified band. But sometimes i need only one band or maybe 7. I want to use the controller for every band i have selected.

Is there a way to define midi controls for parameters Frequency, Gain and Q-Factor independent from which band i have selected? For example i want to select Band 1 as shelf/cut. Try to set these with my controller. After that i click on band 5 for using it as shelf. Then i want to set band 3 as bell filter but everything with my 3 hardware knobs on my controller. I've only seen that i can define the midi controlls to one specific üarameter in one specific band. To realise what i want i would need something like 30 knobs on my controller. But i just want 3 to 5 maybe (Use for other plugins too..)

I tested my controlls for ReaEQ and it works, but just the way i described.

Another thing i want to know is, can i increase the resolution somehow for better controlling? Not only 127 single states. Would be great to have a bigger range to use.

Thanks for your help.



Dynamic FX Parameter Selection for MIDI Controller

Start Reaper hidden via command line options


I am using reaper to fix the monitor issue.

And I'd like reaper to start this project when windows starts.

But It will start in normal window, even I have config the shortcut to use minimized mode to start reaper.

So could reaper append an option to hide the windows after launching a project?


Start Reaper hidden via command line options

Le mystère de la surface de contrôle

Salut tout le monde,

J'ai une question qui concerne les surfaces de contrôle. Ça fait un petit moment que je me dit que ce serait sympa d'avoir un contrôleur pour gérer les niveaux des pistes, le transport, le pan, et des potards pour faire mumuse sur les potards de différents synthés. C'est surtout la possibilité et/ou la facilité d'attribution des potards et faders à une fonction voulue qui me questionne et la possibilité d'enregistrer des configurations.
Je vois souvent sur le forum des gens qui disent que telle ou telle machine n'est pas compatible ou uniquement en mode mackie mais avec des restrictions, etc... Ça reste obscur pour moi.
Aussi, la motorisation des faders a l'air très intéressante, comme sur la BCF2000 pour parler d'un produit vieux (donc moins onéreux que les derniers cri) mais qui a l'air fiable.
Ceux qui ont une surface de contrôle sans motorisation des faders, comment faites vous au moment d'ouvrir un projet existant ? Vous ouvrez le projet, vous positionnez vos faders hardware, et ensuite vous "activez" le contrôleur ? Ou alors à chaque ouverture le contrôleur vous flingue votre mix ? Y a t il différentes procédures ?
En voyant le prix d'un nanokontrol2, au cas où ses potards puissent être assignés à n'importe quel potard d'un synthé, c'est super intéressant, en plus on peut en chainer 2 pour avoir 16 pistes à contrôler (44€x2 pour 16 pistes).
Autre question, puisque nos ports usb sont limités en nombre, l'utilisation d'un hub pose t il problème quand on veut connecter plusieurs contrôleur ?

Le mystère de la surface de contrôle

Acustica-Audio _ Sand _ Core 9 _Channel Strip _ Intro

Rcvd email notice _ FYI for loyal Acustica / Nebula aficianados .... Free Demo.

Something about free Sand Fab4 for owners soon.

Acustica-Audio _ Sand _ Core 9 _Channel Strip _ Intro

ReaSamplomatic Control

Looking how to control the volume and pitch of several Reasamplomatic in same time, volumes of the same FX chain, without using the fader of the track. And change the number of midi notes, common note of the FX chain. I imagine that using JS plugins is unavoidable ? thx

ReaSamplomatic Control

First midi note playback problem


Recently I've noticed a problem with the first midi note. If I play midi item from the very start, it eats/distorts the first note. For example, if I use Zebra, Reaper distorts the first note. Other instruments don't play it at all. Replacing the customized Reaper.ini with a default file solve the problem, but it would bring a lot of time to configure all the preferences(not only in Preferences menu). Here is my Reaper.ini file: . Could someone help me to solve it? Btw, when I freeze/render the item, it sounds as expected. The problem occurs with playback only.

P.S. When I click 'Go to start of project' transport button, the item/playback is looped or the item plays a bit later after playback starts, the note is heard.

First midi note playback problem

ReaSamplomatic Control

Je cherche comment avoir un control de volume, de pitch et de reception de note midi sur plusieur instance de ReaSamplomatic d'une même chaine FX. J'ai peur que la programmation d'un JS soit malheureusement indispensable pour çà. Avez vous une idée ?

ReaSamplomatic Control

Parsing error...

Hello, I had this "there was an error parsing specified project" message and I can't open either the regular or the backup file. How can I create a wordpad file or similar so maybe someone could check it out. Sometimes my computer crashes when using reaper but this is the first time i got this message. I had just finished the song so it's kinda frustrating if had to record it all over again... The file size shows 859 kb so there should still be something there(?) Also when I was searching for solutions someone mentioned changing the file nime or change the backup file to a normal reaper project file but I have no idea how to do either... Thanks alot!

Parsing error...

Free Sound Radix Surfer EQ2 Plugin with Focusrite Account

Just checked the Focusrite site and the free plugin for October is the Sound Radix Surfer EQ2 Boogie plugin made specially for Focusrite customers/account holders.

At the time of checking it hasn't gone live but keep your eyes peeled.

You dont need to purchase any Focusrite products. Just create an account and the instructions on how to get it will be available in your account.

The original Surfer EQ2 is very well thought of although I haven't used it myself.

Free Sound Radix Surfer EQ2 Plugin with Focusrite Account

Terratec Aureon X Fire 8.0 HD

I recently purchased a new external sound card "Terratec Aureon X Fire 8.0", which works fine in the system (Win 7 64 bit) and with other DAWs.
But in Reaper it is impossible to use it: With the Asio driver from Terratec no inputs or outputs are listed, and with Asio4all the device stays inactive. In other DAWs it works fine with both Asio drivers, but mot in Reaper.

Any idea?


Terratec Aureon X Fire 8.0 HD

OSC not sending /marker or /region messages

I just noticed that Reaper doesn't send /marker or /region via OSC but it sends only /lastmarker /lastregion.

I made a little OSC monitor on MaxMsP and the message is not there.

PS: Someone else noticed that:

Thank you!


OSC not sending /marker or /region messages

MIDI editor: Mouse modifiers for selection of individual CC events

The MIDI editor offers a variety of mouse modifiers for the selection of a range or curve of many CC events, particularly "Marquee select CC events" and its variations, as well as the "Option: CC selection follows note selection".

For the selection of *individual* CC events, however, the options are limited to "Allow selecting a single CC event with a mouse click". This global option cannot be used to toggle CC selection, nor to add multiple CCs to the selection by clicking on them one-by-one.

It would be therefore helpful if the "CC event" context could get similar mouse modifiers as the "MIDI note" context for the selection of individual events:
* Select CC event (which can perhaps replace the global option)
* Select CC event and move edit cursor
* Add CC event to selection
* Remove CC event from selection
* Toggle CC event selection

MIDI editor: Mouse modifiers for selection of individual CC events

Problem gelöst ... bei überflüssigen AU/VST

Ich hatte mal ein Problem mit bereits gelöschten AUi/VSTi und AU/VST's, die beim erneuten Scannen des PlugIn Folders trotzdem noch im FX Browser aufgeführt waren.

Problem ist gelöst, und sei der Vollständigkeit halber hier in einem extra Thread angesprochen:

pro cedere:
1) Reaper Ordner öffnen und folgende Dateien löschen:

2) Im Anschluss Reaper starten, dann werden die Initialisierungsdateien neu angelegt.

Beste Grüße,

Problem gelöst ... bei überflüssigen AU/VST

Make muted/non-soloed track bg dimming optional

Muting non-soloed track background darker makes working in multitrack projects painful as it assumes that the only track(s) being worked are the soloed/unmuted ones. It's very disruptive to the workflow to mute/solo tracks just to see them properly.

This behaviour should be optional as it may be useful in some cases.

Make muted/non-soloed track bg dimming optional

vendredi 30 septembre 2016

DJ Saint-Hubert - algojazz 1

so I made an algorithm in reaper JS that generates melodies, and attempted 'playing' drums over it with Buzz Tracker, assisted by copy/paste. So essentially I'm a one man electronic jazzband in this

DJ Saint-Hubert - algojazz 1

Back to replacing existing file when rendering?

I accidentally clicked the "do not ask again" box or something, and then hit no when rendering when it asked me to replace a file with the same name already existing in the location folder. And I want it to ask me again, every single time ever, if I want to replace the existing file with the same name, because yes, I do want it to replace it. Now, instead of getting Track Mix replaced at will, I get Track Mix, Track Mix-001, Track Mix-002...

Any ideas? I looked in the options but nothing that could solve this. Thanks!

Back to replacing existing file when rendering?

Composing in the score editor

Hi All,

I've been watching reaper for a couple of years but I never bought it because the score editor was lacking. Well here it is and here I am. Bought it a couple of months ago and watched a lot of Kenny Gioia's videos on Groove 3.
Of course the score editor didn't exist yet. I have a couple of questions. Does anyone know of a tutorial for getting started with composition in the score editor? The two issues that confront me first are 1) how do I create an empty midi space that I can open with the score editor and 2) how do I put notes onto the staff. I've found that double clicking on the staff will place a note with the duration that is set in the grid. Is there a way to change the note durations without changing the grid? Is there a way to place notes on the staff with a single click? I see that these things may need to be set with actions shortcut keys but filtering actions with "score" returns nothing. Can someone point a beginner in a helpful direction?


Composing in the score editor

Lame mp3 download

Can someone explain how to get Reaper to recognize Lame on my computer? I've downloaded the lame encoder and it shows up in the resource path but when i ask to render a file to mp3 it continues to say Lame not found in Reaper.

Lame mp3 download

I made something. What is it?

I made it! I managed to mix my first three songs in a way that doesn't make me feel stupid anymore.
*wipes sweat from forehead*

So I put them on soundcloud:

Let me warn you: it's pure VSTi MIDI stuff and I don't have much of a clue what I'm doing. This music thing is totally new to me, but I'm utterly fascinated and gain a lot of energy from it. I've been working on these songs in my spare time the last couple of months, and there are fragments and ideas for more to come.

One of my problems (aside from being a noob and all) is that I don't have any idea what genre my music might fit in. Sure, it's "electronic", but I think I should be able to add some more meaningful tags to it on soundcloud. Any suggestions?
Of course I'd also appreciate any other comments. But in case you insist I should stop making music for Christ's sake - I won't. :-P
So far this has been one of the greatest (and strangest) experiences I ever made, and that means something because I'm old. There's so much more to learn and it will only get better.

I made something. What is it?

FX Manager App?

Awhile back, someone posted a 3rd party app that allowed you to modify the FX browser -make new folders, reorder things, etc. This was done outside of Reaper.

I downloaded it, and promptly forgot to check it out and now I can't find it. Anyone know what I'm talking about and can provide a link? I can't seem to summon the right mojo for searching for this.

FX Manager App?

Better Parameter Modulation


I use parameter modulation a lot
here is my request:

Show only modulated parameter envelopes

Search filter for modulated parameters in track envelopes window

Add more shapes for LFO
Add proper values 1/2 1/4t 1/8d instead of float values for LFO sync rate
Add draw LFO option
Add step LFO
Ability to modulate LFO parameters (envelopes lane)
Add Math and logic operators (something like formula controller in FL studio)

Big thanks team

Better Parameter Modulation

Zoom H5 and Reaper 5.25


I'm using my Zoom H5 as Audio Interface on Reaper 5.25.

The problem is that I can't simultaneously, as Multi Track Mode on Zoom, record using the LR Microphones and those two line-channels. Even if I put the First Channel in 1 and the Last Channel in 4 (as the picture).

I always need to choose or the mics X/Y or the two line-ins.

Someone know how to fix this?

Thank you!

Attached Images
File Type: png reaper zoom.png (44.4 KB)

Zoom H5 and Reaper 5.25

Plugin to add pitch above audio file?

I'm working with one note samples. Is there a plugin in existence that can display the pitch of the sample above it? Sort of by default.

Plugin to add pitch above audio file?

Allen & heath qu-32

Hi guys

Anyone using this mixer as a daw controler for
Reaper under Windows 7 ? I read somewhere this mixer is mostly functional
under Macs

Allen & heath qu-32

Great stuff from the Reaper Blog

Really interesting session with a sound designer, would definitely like to see more similar videos about how users from different fields do their work. Could have been longer and deeper!

Great stuff from the Reaper Blog

iZotope Neuron

Looks interesting. Thoughts?

iZotope Neuron

Separating Takes in Single Track? Solved

I've read that other REAPER users have this frustrating problem. Finally, with the help of a lot of posts that almost get there (and the help of the User Guide) I found the answer. Thought I'd share with others.


Record a simple dry vocal on Track 1 (voiceover – 10 seconds).
Stop, rewind, and record another take on Track 1 (slower read).
Takes show in separate lanes on Track 1, each with a filename.
There is no take ID before the filename (“Take #/#”), which there should be.
The “Splits existing items and creates new takes” option is checked.


When I play either Take they both play at the same time.
Takes can be selected, but I can’t make them play separately – always a mix of the two.
Only one Take is shown on the “Take” dropdown under the “Item” menu, not two.
When I try the Action “Item: Solo active take of multitake item” it doesn’t work.
It’s acting as though both of these items (which look like separate Takes in the Arrange area) are actually all one Take.


Well, it IS treating both Takes as a single Item, just running in separate lanes in the Track (therefore playing simultaneously on the timeline). That's because of the "Free Item Positioning" option. This must be UNCHECKED to allow separate Items on separate lanes within a single Track to be treated as separate Takes within the Track. Unchecking this option (on the "Option" menu) causes the Items - in separate lanes on one Track - to be treated as separate Takes. They can be selected and played independently of each other, even at the same time position.

Hope that helps anyone who has wrestled with this issue!

Separating Takes in Single Track? Solved

Recording Snap Options

I seem to be encountering an issue and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas?
If i have a percussion set loaded into Kontakt for example, I can create some interesting rolls and get a pattern I like. When i come to record it however it never sounds the same. I have messed with out the recording quantize settings but I can't seem to find the right combo to get it to play back or record as i play it, the notes are always off and all over the place. I can get around this but just sending the audio from kontakt to another track and record that in real time but I'd like to be able to edit the midi once it's in. Assuming it must just be a setting or could be one of those idiosyncrasies reaper likes to throw at you once in a while.
Any ideas would be gratefully received.

Recording Snap Options

Anyway to open a session with all plug ins inactive?

Basically, whenever I open an old 32-bit session on my 64-bit system it goes searching for plug ins I no longer have and it takes forever to open. Is there anyway I can open a session with all of the plug ins removed or disabled?

Anyway to open a session with all plug ins inactive?

anyone using genelec 8040b or 8050b?

I bought a pair of Genelec monitors 8040b, trying to set them up.
Re Bass Tilt and Treble Tilt.

The manual says there are 3 choices, -2db, -4db, -6db. however, both groups of switches have 4 little white switches, not 3.
is the first switch of each group for something else?

anyone using genelec 8040b or 8050b?

Routing for streaming music production with Open Broadcaster

Hello guys :) I hope you're all fine!

I've had a lot of help from this community lately so I figured I would push it a little bit more and ask you about some complex setup shenanigans. Brace yourselves this is a tricky one!

A picture is worth a thousand words, as they say:

So this is my new home studio, which is focused around the idea of live streaming music production. It's not a lot of stuff, but routing all these things together can quickly become a bit of a nightmare.

First let me explain my needs:

1) I want to stream daily on using Open Broadcaster ( My stream is focused around music so a decent audio quality and low latency are necessary.

2) My sound sources are a mix of many things:
  • 2 Microphones (XLR) and a keyboard (2x Mono Jack)
  • Synths and samplers inside of Reaper
  • Desktop sounds (music player, youtube videos)
I would like as much control as possible over each individual volume/EQ/Pan, and the balance must be the same for both me and the stream audience.

3) Optional luxurious musician dreams: it would be so nice to...
  • reverse the stereo for the stream output (considering the webcam placement)
  • spare my audience the annoying tick-tock of the metronome sound (I don't use it that much to be honest)
  • be able to record desktop audio on the fly, for quick sampling and other fun applications :P

Now onto the hardware and software I have to hopefully make this work:

- Current external soundcard is a Behringer xenyx302usb which has cool drivers that allowed me to get this far but has limited routing options (I can't disable direct monitoring for example :/ ). I will definitely get another low/mid priced soundcard once I know more about my setup options.

- I have a desktop computer with a decent on-board sound card and a laptop. I would prefer to use only the desktop computer instead of going for a 2 PC setup, unless it radically simplifies and improves audio possibilities.

- Software wise, I have Open Broadcaster which picks up and encodes the sounds, Reaper as my main DAW. I also own a copy of Virtual Audio Cable if need be, but that thing is not so stable and I would rather avoid it.

I've tried setups like this a lot but I'm still wondering what's the best way to go about this. I need stability, which I think comes from simplicity... maybe the easiest could be a physical cable coming out of my external soundcard into the PCIe one and have OBS listen to that signal only?

What do you reckon guys? :) Let me know! Thanks already for taking the time to help!


Routing for streaming music production with Open Broadcaster

Help me understand PDC related to buffer size

So... i have set my buffer to 128 samples.
I insert a plugin that reports 4 samples of PDC.
Reaper reports 128 samples of PDC on that track.
I insert another instance of that plugin. That means 8ms in total.
Reaper reports 256 samples of PDC.

SO how come? I should only have 4 samples of latency on the first instance, but OK, i guess the engine can only work in multiples of the soundcard buffer, and it starts a 128 sample chunk.
Now what i don't get, is if i add another 4ms, it begins a totally new chunk and i get 256 PDC.
That's insane for only 8ms!!!

This way i get insane latencies all the time if i stack just a few plugins together with minimal latencies.

Is this the only way this can work? Are other DAWS handle this better?


Help me understand PDC related to buffer size

Jamstix 2 and EzDrummer 2 mapping


I've been searching the "whole" Internet for the last 9 hours and I can't seem to find a solution. I have Jamstix 2 and I want to use it with Ezdrummer 2, but the mapping seems to be all wrong. Almost no sound is where it should be.

Is there anyway to make Jamstix 2 work with Ezdrummer 2??

Jamstix 2 and EzDrummer 2 mapping

v5.26pre6 - September 30 2016

v5.26pre6 - September 30 2016
+ MusicXML export: fix exporting multi-layer music
+ MusicXML export: fix positioning of music following dynamic or pedal notation
+ MusicXML import: fix importing multi-layer music
+ VST3: reduce resize flicker [t=182045]
+ VST: improve handling of duplicate program names
+ Video: fix gfx_str_draw FX color

v5.26pre6 - September 30 2016

New Tycho album (made in Reaper of course)

New album from Scott Hansen (Tycho) called "Epoch" just released. Made in Reaper! It sounds divine! Check it out.

New Tycho album (made in Reaper of course)

32 bit VST's performance?

Hi there.
Here's a question: When I am using a 32 bit VST on a 64 bit Reaper, this whole bridging thing happens that let's me do that. If I used a 64 bit version of that plugin, would I get any improvements in latency, CPU load or any of that? I get that the sound quality would be the same, but what about processing power? Or is there no difference?

32 bit VST's performance?

Native Horns conundrum

I'm hoping there's a tech wizard out there in Reaperland who may be able to throw some light on this - I'll try to be brief, and apologies if this is in the wrong place.

Me: Old fart, ageing muso, some PC experience but new to recording/mixing (started about 5 months ago).

My PC: 4 month old Desktop, i7 quad-core/8-thread, 16Gb RAM. Should be able to run like Usain Bolt without breaking sweat.

Software: Windows 10 Home 64bit (incl. anniversary update 5 days ago), Reaper 64bit (yay!), Native Instruments Komplete 10 Ultimate, some freebie VSTs.

Controller: Native Komplete Kontrol S61 keyboard.

Problem: All relates to NI Session Horns Pro.
When running Session Horns in a Reaper project (either in Kontakt 5 or Komplete Kontrol in VST mode, no difference), after about 5-10 minutes the horn sounds start to drop out. BTW, the project can be simple or complex - even happens with only a couple of tracks. First the articulations disappear, then notes become little staccatissimo 'beeps', then they stop playing completely. Sometimes if I try tweaking the horn settings in the VST, like EQ/compression, individual horn volume, or similar, the drop-outs will happen much faster.
Usually (though not always) clicking the '!' button in the GUI to re-initiate the engine will bring the sounds back (though I usually have to stop playback first).

I've had a long e-mail exchange with NI tech support to no avail - the issue has been escalated to developers and I'm awaiting their reply.
I've followed all the advice in numerous NI documents - PC optimised for audio, run LatencyMon to check for dodgy drivers, re-installed Session Horns, moved the library (on NI's advice) to my 'C' drive, etc etc. None of it makes a blind bit of difference.

This is driving me batty. The horns were one of the main reasons I bought Komplete in the first place, and I want to use them a lot, but this stop-start nonsense has me chewing the carpet.

It may be me doing something extremely stupid, though obviously I've no idea what, or it may be Komplete Horns is throwing a fit, or it may be something to do with Reaper (though I doubt it, since everything else works just fine).
So I wondered if anyone has any ideas, or has encountered anything similar?
No suggestion will be too basic (remember, I'm v. new to all this) and I'm happy to try anything legal that doesn't involve a club-hammer - believe me I've been tempted. :mad:

A thousand thanks, and here's hoping.....


Native Horns conundrum

Saving bigclock visual click params in project

Hi !

I like the way I can put some picture or animated in Reaper ..
.. one of the coolest feature for a DAW ;)

Indeed it's very important for mood when we're working on track.

Sadly we can't save this visual clock settings per project.
That'll be very nice to set up visual click in aim to display covers of current album or track for example without take useless room in layout. At opening we'll see immediately the project's identity.

Thks for Reaper ! Awesome tool

Saving bigclock visual click params in project

How to select an "x" number of adjacent items

Is there a quick way to select a specific amount of adjacent items?

Let says I have 200 clips next to each other and I want to select the first 84 for example. How can this be done ?

How to select an "x" number of adjacent items

Problem with subprojects


I hope I can explain this problem clearly.

I am making an explosion sound from a firework. I have a 30 minute file with various fireworks on it. I found the firework I wanted, created item splits either side and moved it to its own sub-project. I then added effects to that item in the subproject rendering the file into the master project.

I then took that effected item, the one generated by the sub-project render, layered and pitch shifted it.

I then ran out of disk space so converted all my files from wav to flac. On trying to load the master project, it beeped at me, complaining of missing files so I pointed it at the right file again.

In my master project, the explosion still works as advertised, it hasn't complained that the sub-project has changed and would I like to rerender or anything. However, for some reason I can't fathom, the sub-project RPP has lost focus. That is to say, when I load it, the source firework isn't what plays, it's just background traffic noise between fireworks, all this despite the fact that, in the item properties dialogue, the start in source time is the same as where the original explosion comes from. The file's the same, I've even converted that particular file back to wav etc, the start in source time is the same, but the resulting sound is different.

If I try to save a new version of the project elsewhere, moving its associated media or copying media not in the old project path, the explosion breaks because the sub-project rerenders.

I hope I've explained this clearly and would greatly appreciate any insight.



Problem with subprojects

plugins not loading in

Hey I'v been having some occasional problems with reaper. Sometimes when I load in a project some of the plugins will not load in like they are in an offline state but I can not bring them back online.

Sometimes it will do this when I try to initially load a plugin in but not nearly as often. Resting my computer fixes it sometimes. I've even had it happen with reapers stock pitch shifter a few times so I know it has nothing to do with 3rd party plugins.

And on top of that the FX folders no longer show up and if I create a new folder nothing changes. Sometimes when open the ADD FX window I get something like font.dll missing which I assume has something to do with it

I have tried installing a portable install of reaper to see if that fixed it but it did not.

plugins not loading in

What is a safe level to work for hours ?

I have a dB meter on my iPhone, and it starts to get red at 75 dB, which isn't very loud in my opinion. I'd rather work at around 80 dB.

edit: I realized after posting this that the impression of loudness really depends on the frequency content of the material

What is the sound level you work at ?

edit: I guess I simply had to google that. This chart represents the exposure maximum times after which permanent damage can occur (a +3 dB increment doubles the sound pressure, so +5 dB almost quadruples it)

"The average person can hear sounds down to about 0 dB, the level of rustling leaves. Some people with very good hearing can hear sounds down to -15 dB. If a sound reaches 85 dB or stronger, it can cause permanent damage to your hearing. The amount of time you listen to a sound affects how much damage it will cause. The quieter the sound, the longer you can listen to it safely. If the sound is very quiet, it will not cause damage even if you listen to it for a very long time; however, exposure to some common sounds can cause permanent damage. With extended exposure, noises that reach a decibel level of 85 can cause permanent damage to the hair cells in the inner ear, leading to hearing loss."

What is a safe level to work for hours ?

Bug with GregJazz Cinematic Verb

Hi guys. I know this is a very old and unsupported 32-bit plugin for Windows, but I just thought I'd share the fact that it caused me trouble.

I had one instance of it in a project (bridged in Reaper x64), and occasionally when I hit stop or play, Reaper would freeze for a few seconds (playhead would be yellow but frozen if I had hit play), then the screen would flash black and Reaper would resume playing (if I'd hit play), but there would be no sound. If I switched ASIO drivers I would get an error initializing the driver. On one occasion there was no sound just on the track with Cinematic Verb (the track also had Serum and MIDI on it), but the rest of the tracks played. The freeze happened every couple of minutes, and most of them didn't show up in Event Viewer, but I did find one:

Faulting application name: reaper_host32.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x57dfee12
Faulting module name: CK_DELAY_PUB.SEP, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x00003425
Faulting process ID: 0xcc4
Faulting application start time: 0x01d21a406c711448
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\REAPER (x64)\Plugins\reaper_host32.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Vstplugins\CinematicReverb\Cinematic Reverb\CK_DELAY_PUB.SEP
Report ID: 4c7d85ef-8634-11e6-bf1a-94de805cbe59

After seeing this I replaced the plugin and haven't had another freeze with this project. I know I could have run it in "buggy plugin compatibility mode" or even made an impulse response if I cared that much, but I didn't. Just thought I'd share the event log I found in case it means something to someone.

Bug with GregJazz Cinematic Verb

M audio m track 11 Blue Screens

I am getting random BSODs using an m audio m track 2 with Reaper on a Windows 7 laptop.I have tried re installing the drivers.Should these be for the m track 2 plus?
Also tried another usb cable.
The crashes occur both with and without Reaper running.They do not happen when the interface is disconnected.
Any ideas?

M audio m track 11 Blue Screens

Not Seeing Video Window In Reaper

I am running the latest version of Reaper on Windows 8.1 with all the necessary video codecs in the reaper programs folder. When I insert video medial files I am hearing audio but the video window is black. Any help with solving this problem would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Not Seeing Video Window In Reaper

Kontakt et mapping

Bonjour à vous tous.

Voici ce qui m’amène vers vous se jour: voila dans ma banque de son Native et kontakt j'ai pris une basse pour ne pas la nommer ( scarbee MM Bass ) et là pas de chance dans mon morceau je suis obligé d'aller chercher une note dans les graves mais là plus de son sur ma touche !!!!

Je pense que dans la réalité d'une vraie basse il est sûrement pas possible de jouer si bas mais j'aimerais tout de même pouvoir le faire car si je remonte tout d'une octave cela ne sera vraiment pas sympas à l'écoute.

Quelqu'un parmi vous serait m'expliquer comment procéder pour réussir à assigner des sons supplémentaire à mes touches.

Merci d'avance à vous.

ps: pour info je suis rentré dans la zone Mapping Editor de Kontak je bouge les carré bleu vers la gauche mais rien !!!

Cdt Avold

Kontakt et mapping

Is it possible to create a drum track from bass guitar track

Greetings all,

First post here, I have been using Reaper for a couple of years recording my drumless trio.

When we play covers we are using configurable backing tracks that we strip the guitars and vocals out of.

This is fine for covers but we also have a stack of originals that we wish to record and I'm finding it difficult to program the drum tracks using the MIDI options, I have the GTG DPC3 drums, SM Mega Kits and after reading through a few threads have just downloaded the MT Drum kit.

I have searched the forum and help files over the past week or so and also spent time with Mr Google and have not been able to find a way of triggering drum patterns in a new track from an existing bass guitar track.

My current project has a rolling sea shanty feel that feels like 12/8 but it's just a straight 4 with an odd rhythm.

Sorry if the question has been asked and answered I just haven't been able to find it so far.

If the answer is that I need another software package to do this, that's OK I just need to find the breakthrough.

Thanks in advance
Dave King

Is it possible to create a drum track from bass guitar track

jeudi 29 septembre 2016

XCode 7 permissions

Ever since I've upgraded to xCode 7, my plugins get compiled with execution only for the current user. I'm trying to figure out where to change the permissions on the executable from xCode, but I'm just not finding it.

In the deployment section of the Build Settings, it has a field for Install Permissions, Alternate Install Permissions and Alternate Permissions Files, but none of these seem to make any difference.

My plugins always get compiled with rwx to only the current user. Any idea how to change this in xCode?

XCode 7 permissions

Fullscreen switching annoyance w/reaper

I use Reaper on El Capitan.

Maximizing Reaper makes it go full screen, which could be great except that doing some functions, like clicking on a mixer channel insert, which brings up the plugins window, often causes the full-screened Reaper window to "swipe" away to my previous desktop space, sometimes showing the plugins window i requested (and other windows I had previously opened) on that old "space", but sometimes not even the plugin window. Either way I then I have to switch back to the full screen "space' (by using cmd+tab or hovering over my dock and cick the reaper icon) that Reaper is on, and I'll see the plugin window there.

Sometimes selecting a new plugin will cause the same maddening behavior, and I find myself in a constant war of trying to click back into different "spaces" just to accomplish simple tasks.

What happened to the good old days of having 1 workspace, or at least not having a desktop environment where windows open seemingly arbitrarily into different spaces, with mandatory swipe animations?

Im losing my mind over this. I just want all my work related to reaper to be in one space, no desktop switching.

Anyone else experience this, or have a workaround? The best I can come up with is to never "maximize" (full screen) reaper, which is a very hard habit to break (clciking on the green + button at the top of Reaper window)..

Thanks all.

Fullscreen switching annoyance w/reaper

Track Font Size and Live Use


Apologies if this belongs in the Themes subform - it looked like that one was just for *posting* themes so I didn't want to clutter it up with questions.

I'm using Reaper to run click tracks to in-ears and synchronize video and lights with a live show - controlling it from a foot pedal while simultaneously playing in the band.

Each sequence is on its own track, and I'm using a custom action to start playback on the first item of the selected track - this allows instant access to any song and quick up/down selection with the foot pedal.

The problem is that it's really hard to read the tiny track names on stage. (See Current-Track-Names.png)

I've done a LOT of digging around in themes in the Stash, and tried various Layouts for the track panel, but nothing approaches what I want: track names easily readable onstage from a few feet away (See Desired-Track-Names.png).

The SWS Extension has the Notes panel, and it's possible to enter the track name in the Track Notes then use Big Font mode with the Notes panel docked to the bottom of the main window, but this keeps the notes from being used for anything else. I'd much rather make the track names bigger.

Using the Theme Tweaker makes a small amount of progress, but the font won't increase past a certain point limited by the size of the text box.

I've also looked into the Theme Engine documentation, and while I'm not completely opposed to learning it and creating a theme, if someone could point me in the right direction for a way to quickly achieve something like this, without rewriting a whole theme, I'd be very grateful.

Does anyone have any suggestions?



Attached Images
File Type: png Current-Track-Names.png (25.6 KB)
File Type: png Desired-Track-Names.png (26.0 KB)

Track Font Size and Live Use

How to do this on reaper?

How to do this on reaper?

Reaper Piano Roll vs GetGood Halpern Drums - MIDI mapping question

I am using the GetGood Halpern Drums in Raaper using Kontakt 5 (full version) and have what seems to be a MIDI mapping question (I'm asking in the Facebook GetGood Drums forum too!)

Inside GGD Kontakt I set the mapping in GGD using "Load Preset" to "GGD", which sets the Kick Main Hit in GGD to "C0".** But if I actually play a C0 MIDI in Reaper Piano Roll to Kontact and GGD, I hear nothing until I "shift" the map in GGD so that a Main Kick is "C-1".** Clearly something is introducing a 1 octave offset but I'll be darned if I can find it anywhere.** It seems 'wrong' to have to do this no ?* See the attached....

Bear in mind I'm absolute NEWB on MIDI...

Attached Images
File Type: jpg GGD-C-1_PR-C0_sm.jpg (62.2 KB)

Reaper Piano Roll vs GetGood Halpern Drums - MIDI mapping question


Is it possible to add feature that will allow user to add custom tags to plugins (like a text description with hot words), so it would be possible to search through plugins for "plate reverb", "LA2A", "Moog bass" "acoustic guitar" and so on?
For now I'm using folders, but it's a real pain. I already have secion of "BRANDS" with the names of developer companies, "FX" with compressors, reverbs, EQ, "INSTRUMENTS" with guitars, basses, vintage keys. This list is already exceed screen height and to move folder in list you need to select "move up" from the context menu countless times.
Are there any plans to rework plugin browser in the nearest versions of Reaper?


Soundtoys: Sie-Q (FREE)

Go get it:

iLok haters: yes, Soundtoys allows machine based authorization... oh wait, that won't probably stop them either, oh well.

Soundtoys: Sie-Q (FREE)

Negative delay on MIDI tracks?

hi folks

is it possible to apply a negative delay offset to a midi track?

Negative delay on MIDI tracks?

Recording mic and phone to separate tracks from mixer


I did some digging on this issue here and came up mostly empty. If I missed the solution to it, feel free to call me a dope before pointing me in the right direction.

I've recorded phone calls through my mixer with reaper, but everything (mic and phone) went to both tracks. I saw others with this problem fixed it by downloading an ASIO driver and setting up the inputs, but that did not work for me.

My setup:

Acer aspire PC running Windows 7.
Samson mixpad MXP124 - connected via USB line in splitter (no line in jack on the PC)
Just upgraded to the current version of reaper

Running mic, PC sounds, and my cell phone through separate channels on the board, but everything either records on one track or both tracks.

Am I missing a step here? Do I need an additional sound card? Is my mixer not built to do this?

Really just trying to separate the tracks so they can be edited individually, so I appreciate any tips!


Recording mic and phone to separate tracks from mixer

ReaEQ presets librarys for guitar and bass amp and cabinet simulation

I have been playing and recording almost exclusively through some form of amp simulator for most of my career. A few years back I finally committed to getting rid of most of my hardware in order to simplify (and lighten) both my live and recording rigs. So far, I'm to the point where the entire band (two or three guitars and a bass) plays through amp sims in Reaper. I've also got Superior Drummer doing some strange things and sometimes run a VSTi synth or two also.

My machines have plenty of power to do this with acceptable latency, but I do eventually want to replace all of our pedals with plugins and DIY MIDI controllers, and we are going to start to run low on ticks eventually. I had been running PodFarm - just the amp/cab sim single plugin, not the whole suite - but noticed that these plugs each used more CPU than any other plug in the project by quite a bit. I tried GuitarRig and it used just a little bit more than PodFarm even. So I found myself a much more efficient solution using ReaEQ and a really simple distortion plug I made a while ago.

What I did was to pull up PodFarm, run white noise through it, and use SPAN to see the spectrum. I then really just messed around with ReaEQ until the curves matched as closely as I could get them. There's nothing real scientific about it. I tried to use as few bands as I could, but some of the curves are pretty complex. In most real amps, the knobs in the tone stack are all pretty heavily interactive. Turning one knob often changes the cutoff frequency of all of the filters in the thing. In some the Volume pot is also a bass cut. So anyway, I didn't make any attempt at making these things adjustable in any realistic or authentic way. They are snapshots of settings I dialed in that one time.

I have a small collection of the amps and cabs that I use most often, and uploaded them to the stash in case anybody wanted to try them.

There are two preset libraries:
Guitar and Bass Amplifiers ReaEQ preset library is the "heads" and Guitar and Bass Cabinets ReaEQ preset library is the cabinets.

Then all you need is a non-linear element in between. There are a number of solutions, and you can really use about anything. In fact, I'm pretty sure that ReaComp will do it pretty well, and intend to try it eventually, but for now I'm using this JS plug that I wrote a while ago as a real quick and nasty "amp sim" - LT sin amp. It is actually pretty versatile on its own, but I usually set Depth to 0 and Width all the way up so that it isn't actually doing any filtering of its own. I like to dial in a little bit of asymmetry with the Bias control, but I can't promise it makes a huge difference.

For most of these, it works best to put an instance of ReaEQ with an amp preset, then the sin amp, and then another ReaEQ with a cabinet, but I've found that the Marshall-style amps work better when the amp EQ is after the distortion element which is why the preset for that one has "post" in its name.

Most of the "heads" are pretty seriously loud. The idea was to have that one plugin give all of the gain needed so that you could just leave sin amp's input gain alone, but I do find that I need to add some gain most of the time. This is not even close to an exact science, and I end up dialing it in by ear most of the time.

I have actually done comparisons where I split my guitar through PodFarm panned one way and this thing the other way and it comes really close. Like the difference could easily be accounted for by a difference in component tolerances or a slight change of mic placement. I'm not claiming it's exactly like any given amp, but it can be really convincing, and is definitely good enough for the kind of things I do live. I use these things for jam sessions and nobody ever complains about their tone. There was even a time when I was using my computer to run sound for a punk show, the guitarist's (Line 6 modeling) amp crapped out, I plugged him into the interface, pulled up my default amp chain, cranked the gain quite a bit beyond where I normally go, and he was actually really happy with his tone.

IDK if anybody else will find this useful or not. I do intend on working up a few more of the models that I have, but it's not a huge priority. I have what I need for my band ATM.

ReaEQ presets librarys for guitar and bass amp and cabinet simulation

These stories makes me appreciate Reaper even more.

Today i spoke a colleague at work. (Radio 2, Netherlands, radio imaging).
He looked tired.
I asked why ?
I told me he was on Avid helpdek phone all night.
What gives ?

He uses Protools (aka Notools)
He had automatic update turned on.
So his Protools automatically updated from version 12.5 to 12.6, yesterday.
He thought: nice, a new version of Protools, i am happy.
But in the end, he was not, at all.
Seemed that Protools 12.6 needed a new Ilok authorisation, which he, ofcourse (duh!) , didn't have and didn't receive at that moment from Avid.

So he was stuck with a non working Protools, while he had serious work to do in it.
So he called Avid helpdesk and took them half a night to bring back Protools to a working version 12.5 again.
Nightmare, all over the place.

I said to myself:
How incredibly lucky i am to use a DAW that just keeps working with every update, doesn't need a usb dongle to run, doesn't need a new license after an update, just keeps doing it's thing, so reliable, so steady.

Today my colleague seemed irritated later again.
I asked him: why ?
He told me he was working in a protools session that used a video file and therefore, the session
become incredibly slow and laggy, only cause of that video file.
I asked him: when are you going to step over to Reaper ?!!
He laughed abit, his expression told me that he exactly knew what i ment with that.
Cause he had seen me doing things in Reaper which had lit his eyebrows already, bigtime.

Cockos versus Avid: 10-0, but ofcourse, we all knew that already.

Cal this post a diss against Avid, call it spam, call it what you want.
My only intention is to show appreciation to Cockos and it's awesome Reaper.(again haha).
For the sake of all, it could also have been a post about Cubase and it's irritating flaws, who knows.

You can trust Cockos.
You can trust Reaper.
And trust is an important aspect of Life i think.

I am a very happy Reaper user, it extends my Life in a happy way.
I guess it does for you 2.


These stories makes me appreciate Reaper even more.

Have a waveform editor in Reaper, rather than an external one...?

We have a lot of machines with Adobe Audition on them.
The advantage that AA has over Reaper for us is that AA had a built in basic editor which greatly helps workflow for us.
AA has a Multitrack view, but if you double-click an "item" then it takes you to its built in editor (circled in red in the picture).

If Reaper could do this, then we'd probably be more likely to switch.
The built in editor can do stuff like Normalize, trim etc., which is just what we need.
At the moment we have to send an item out of Reaper to Audacity.

Have a waveform editor in Reaper, rather than an external one...?

Problema con envolventes

Hola a todos, primera vez que posteo en el foro.

Tengo un problema con las envolventes y necesito ayuda para solucionarlo

El tema es asi:
Tengo un track, le creo la envolvente y cuando muevo el track mas atrás o adelante en el tiempo, la envolvente NO lo sigue... se queda ahi quieta modificando cosas que no tiene que modificar.

Lo curioso es que antes de alguna actualización si lo hacía de la manera que quiero que haga ahora...

parece un problema sencillo pero no encuentro manera de solucinarlo.


Problema con envolventes

VST3 Melda Resize Issue

Posted in the 5.26pre5 thread. The last Melda VST3 issue I'm seeing is that resizing any VST3 Melda plugin causes the window to white out while resizing. It's pretty glitchy and nasty. This is VST3 only, latest Melda plugs. I'm on Win10. Here's what I'm seeing:

Having a tough time reading this? Kinda distracting isn't it :)


VST3 Melda Resize Issue

MIDI editor: "Linear ramp" does not work in velocity lane "MIDI CC event" context

In CC lanes other than velocity, the Linear ramp CC events mouse modifier works fine in both the "MIDI CC event" and the "MIDI CC lane" contexts.

In the velocity lane, however, Linear ramp CC events only works in the "MIDI CC lane" context, i.e. if the mouse is *not* positioned over a velocity 'bar' when the mouse iS clicked. If the mouse is positioned over the velocity 'bar', the mouse modifier simply moves the velocities up and down, similar to the plain Edit CC events mouse modifier.

MIDI editor: "Linear ramp" does not work in velocity lane "MIDI CC event" context

frage: wie ist eure strategie nach dem drumediting?

einfach aus neugierde, wie geht ihr mit den zerschnippelten spuren um?
lass ihr die zerschnitten? oder kopiert ihr die weiter hinten ins projekt und consolidisiert das geschnittene weiter vorn? oder speichert ihr die schnittvariante als eigenes projekt ab und consolidisiert dann im original projekt?
ich mache alle drei varianten von zeit zu zeit, finde das ganze aber nicht sooo elegant..eventuell übersehe ich ja was?
ich fand das playlist feature von pro tools genau dafür immer sehr hilfreich, eben schnell varianten an dem selben platz im arrangement ausprobieren zu können.
gibt es eine ähnliche rangehensweise auch in reaper?
wie gesagt, reines interesse.
grüsse, leif

frage: wie ist eure strategie nach dem drumediting?

Waves 48 Hour Sale (Bass Rider)

I was looking through the Waves 48 hour sale they have going on today and tomorrow and I've been wanting to grab Bass rider for a while ($29 right now). Any one have opinions on it? Additionaly the SSL 4000 collection is going for $249 right now whitch is also intriguing as well as Vocal Rider($99). Although I seem to remember seeing that for $49 recently.

Waves 48 Hour Sale (Bass Rider)