jeudi 25 août 2016

HELP AutoTune (and bridged plugins playback workaround)

Hello everybody. I guess this issues is a little pain in the ass for everyone using 32bits plugins in Reaper 64bits.

Here is the thing:
When i use bridged 32bit plugins (in this case auto tune) I cant press the space bar to star playback (or any other keyboard command) since the focus is on the plugin window. Working with tools such as auto tune this is a pain in the ass since every time i make a correction and want to hear it i have to click on reaper, then press play, then go back to the plugin window to continue tweaking, etc....
Is there a work around for this? i tried different windows settings for bridged plugins but could not solve it. Thanks!

HELP AutoTune (and bridged plugins playback workaround)

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