Hi all,
I'm experimenting with some of my oldest anti aliasing tricks
(an extended form of DPW - Differentiated Polynomial Waveforms
that i plan to use in a next version of Ze Cheesy Little Synth...).
Here is a little experimental three operator PM synth.
The base waveform of the operators are not sines but parabolas (anti aliased parabolas).
The three operators are chained:
The synth has a basic AR envelope that modulates the output and the modulation depths.
You have sliders to tweak the ratios (use integer values if you intend to generate harmonic sounds) and the modulation depths.
Short code, but the anti aliasing method seems to be quite efficient considering that the parabola waveforms have much more harmonics than... sinewaves :D
I'm experimenting with some of my oldest anti aliasing tricks
(an extended form of DPW - Differentiated Polynomial Waveforms
that i plan to use in a next version of Ze Cheesy Little Synth...).
Here is a little experimental three operator PM synth.
The base waveform of the operators are not sines but parabolas (anti aliased parabolas).
The three operators are chained:
R2 I2 R1 I1 R0
(2) --> (1) --> (0) -->
You have sliders to tweak the ratios (use integer values if you intend to generate harmonic sounds) and the modulation depths.
desc:Parabola Phase Modulation Synthesizer
// Author: T.Rochebois 08/2016
slider3:sl_R2=1.0001<0,3,0.000001>Ratio 2
slider6:sl_R1=0.9997<0,3,0.000001>Ratio 1
slider9:sl_R0=1<0,3,0.000001>Ratio 0
// ___________________________________________________________________
function I0(x)( x+=16;x-=x|0; (6*x-6)*x+1 );
function I1(x)( x+=16;x-=x|0; ((2*x-3)*x+1)*x );
function I2(x)( x+=16;x-=x|0; ((0.5*x-1)*x+0.5)*x*x );
function AA2_para(dp m)
instance(p x0 x1 y0 y1 I2_0 I2_1 I1_0 I1_1 out)(
p += dp; p >= 1 ? (p -= 1; x0 -= 1; y0 -= 1; );
x1 = x0; I2_1 = I2_0; x0 = p + m;
I2_0 = I2(x0);
y1 = y0; I1_1 = I1_0; y0 = 0.5 * (x0 + x1);
I1_0 = x0 == x1 ? I1(y0) : (I2_0 - I2_1)/(x0 - x1);
out = y0 == y1 ? I0(y0) : (I1_0 - I1_1)/(y0 - y1);
// ___________________________________________________________________
while (midirecv(offset, msg1, msg23)) (
msg2 = msg23 & 0x7F; msg3 = msg23 >> 8; status = msg1 & $xF0;
status == $x80 ? ( status = $x90; msg3 = 0; ); // note off
status == $x90 ? ( // note on
msg3 == 0 ? (msg2 == note ? gate = 0;)
: ( gate = sqrt(msg3 * (1/127)); note = msg2;
dp = (440/srate)*2^((note-69)*(1/12));
midisend(offset, msg1, msg23);
dp0 = sl_R0 * dp; dp1 = sl_R1 * dp; dp2 = sl_R2 * dp;
A = 1/(srate*10^sl_A);
R = 1/(srate*10^sl_R);
// ___________________________________________________________________
env += env>gate ? R*(gate-env) : A*(gate-env);
y2 = osc2.AA2_para(dp2,0);
y1 = osc1.AA2_para(dp1, env*sl_I2 * y2);
y0 = osc0.AA2_para(dp0, (0.5+0.5*env)*sl_I1 * y1);
spl0 = spl1 = min(3,max(-3,env*y0));
JSFX : A Little mono FM synth
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