mercredi 31 août 2016

Over the top? Yes way.

Second crack at recording in Reaper, first original tune.
Inspired by a few tours of Holland I did with jazz/funk outfit The Hipjoints back in the 90's...those were the days:) and an abiding love of Star Wars.
Some of the references are quite Amsterdam-specific - sorry about that - you have to go!
With sincere apologies to the late, great Alec Guinness, George Lucas, and probably pretty much everyone else for this highly irreverent, over-the-top, tongue firmly in cheek offering:

"Disillusioned with the Rebellion, Obi-wan Kenobi chartered the Millennium Falcon (with crew) to get away from all that 'light side/dark side' nonsense, and by a very convoluted route has ended up on Earth, where he is now stuck, Han Solo having traded the Falcon for something called a Fender Stratoblaster, which turned out not to be an awesome smugglers weapon at all.:rolleyes:
Han has learned a few licks, Chewbacca has picked up the tenor sax, and a few words of English (at last) and they've immersed themselves in the local culture. Together with Obi-wan (no mean Hammond player) and the remnants of the Cantina band (who followed them here and are wreaking their own particular brand of havoc on the old red-light district), our heroes are trying to eke out a living playing jazz-funk to the locals in the many coffee bars, which all have two menus - one for food, and one for, er, combustibles.
It's Friday night, it's raining, and Obi is late for the gig after a deal to buy back the Falcon went sour. As he enters the venue, he spots a dishevelled-looking Wookie sitting next to the stage, tenor sax in his lap, clutching a small white conical object in one hand, and a Zippo in the other........."

Oh, word of warning: Chewie really hates being called 'funky-looking'.

Let the mayhem commence......

Over the top? Yes way.

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